Maplewood will be serving a lasagana lunch with salad and dessert on September 22 at 1 PM. Suggested donation $5. Not a pot luck. Maplewood address is 25480 S. Hwy. 99E, Aurora Oregon. Call 503-508-7807 for more info.
Pomona Visitation
Maplewood will be serving a lasagana lunch with salad and dessert on September 22 at 1 PM. Suggested donation $5. Not a pot luck. Maplewood address is 25480 S. Hwy. 99E, Aurora Oregon. Call 503-508-7807 for more info.
Still time to get in on the Moovin and groovin fun at the Clackamas County Fair! Call Pam Furlan if you can help out tomorrow evening at the cookie bake. Help especially needed from 4-7 PM.