Quote of the Month for February: Our very own dreaded legislature is almost upon us. they’ll all be here, leaving many a village without its idiot. Molly Ives
Heirloom quote for February: Hope is the heavenly light that gilds our labors. Were we deprived of that source of consolation, life would indeed be dreary.
Welcome to the Clackamas County Pomona Grange Website.
The Pomona Grange is composed of the 16 Granges in Clackamas County and their members. The voting members are those members who have taken the 5th degree initiation ceremony and are in good standing in one of the Community (also called subordinate) Granges.
This Pomona Grange is focused on assisting the Community Granges achieve success and to carry out the projects that deal with Clackamas County in nature. It is also charged with legislative matters such as bylaws and review of resolutions for the state convention.
President/Master, Joyce Parker and Secretary Jessie Jo Guttridge may be contacted through the contact form below or all officers contact information may be found on the Officers page (password protected, use current pomona word)
Check out the News Page, click here
Clackamas Pomona 2025 Visitations – Pending.
Inquiry Form: Contact the Pomona Grange or one of it’s members.