About the Fund:
The fund, established in 1981 by the Sauvies Island Grange Women’s Activity Club, now known as Grange Workers Association (GWA) is dedicated to the memory of Edna Graf. Edna was an ardent Grange member and unofficial greeter to newcomers on the Island who was secretary of the grange for almost fifty years. She was dearly loved and admired and would have been greatly surprised by having the fund named in her memory. In 2009, the Grange received a generous donation of Olive B. Erikson, a long time resident.
This is a memorial fund, with donations received in memory of deceased friends and family members. The Fund has also received donations from various companies doing business on Sauvies Island, as well as unsolicited personal funds from people interested in the welfare of our students.
Scholarship awards of $500 and $2,000.
A memorial plaque on the wall of the Grange Hall lists the names of people for whom donations were made as well as all the student recipients. The names represent a cross-section of lives and families on the island.
Students applying for funds must
-Be a resident of the Island
-Have completed high school or enrolled in higher education
-Be accepted to the school they will be or are currently attending. This could be a college, university, community college, trade school, nursing school or other professional school. Must provide a copy of proof of enrollment with application.
Application Process
Your submission must include a completed application form (see below), proof of acceptance from your school and an essay that includes a short biography, past activities, accomplishments, awards and information about your plans for the future. Applications must be received by April 15th of each year.
Upon receipt of applications, a committee of grange members selects recipients for the year. The committee consists of the Grange President, Chair of the GWA and the three Grange executive committee members. The awards are made at the May Grange meeting, the second Monday in May 7:00pm.