14443 NW Charlton Road
For over 155 years Grange halls have existed around the country as community centers where residents gather for educational events, town meetings, potlucks, and entertainment.
The Sauvies Island Grange #840 is one of the largest chapters in the state! Since 1935, our local Grange has served as a place for networking, fellowship and fun. It provides a forum for solving community problems and gives freely to local charities. Charities that benefit from the Sauvie Grange’s generosity include Words for Thirds (providing dictionaries to 3rd graders at several local schools), Dogs for the Deaf, the St. John’s based Children’s Relief Nursery and 6 other charities. The Grange also awards college scholarships to island students (see below.)
Meetings are at 7 p.m., the second Monday of every month. Refreshments and fellowship follow the meetings.
Meetings, the third Wednesday of every month, are a great place to hear some great stories about how things used to be on the island and what’s going on right now.
GWA hosts plant exchanges, garden tours, game events, social gatherings, other activities to promote friendship and community on the island. GWA meetings are open to all island residents.
Grange Scholarship Fund
Island residents heading to college or a technical school can apply for scholarships. Our memorial scholarship fund is supported by generous donations from the community. We recognize two major benefactors, Edna Graf Memorial Scholarship and the Olive Erickson Memorial Scholarship. Donations may be made to the Sauvie Island Grange Memorial Scholarship and mailed to 14443 NW Charlton Road, Portland, Oregon 97231 For scholarship application information, contact Katholeen McGinty at 503-621-3377. More Details.
Want to join?
Your membership dues not only get you in on all the fun and the important activities of the organization, but also help support our community hall and local charities. Membership is open to all islanders, but you must be sponsored by a current members. For more information, call Vicki Mayberry 503-320-3675.
Rent the Hall
The grange hall and adjoining picnic area can be rented for non-alcoholic events. This is a perfect place for uninterrupted meetings because cell phone service is limited! The hall is located at 14443 NW Charlton Road, just behind the Sauvie Island Elementary School. To find out about availability or rates to rent the hall, contact Kat Topaz, 503-708-0008 or [email protected]. More details.