March 13, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Overseer Leroy Watson called the meeting to order via telephone at 12:06 p.m. EDT. President Joan Smith joined the meeting. Also participating in the meeting were Nation Grange President Betsy Huber, Treasure Jessie Cope, Community Service Director Loretta Washington, Membership Director Stephanie Wilkins, Family Activities Director Stephanie Tiller, Communications Director Amanda Rios, Legislative Director Burton Eller, Executive Committee member Cheri Watson, Treasurer Richard Weiss, Chaplain Grace Boatright, Youth and Young Adult Director Mandy Bostwick, Junior Grange Director Samantha Wilkins and Intern Abigail Sharp.


The January 9 minutes were approved with spelling and date corrections, which Stephanie Wilkins will enter when posting the minutes to our web-site.


The current operating fund balance at BB&T bank is $2,916.96
The current Kile Fund balance at PNC bank is $45,0098.86
There is one outstanding $300.00 check from the Kile Fund to National Ag in the Classroom (NAITC).  
Joan will be submitting travel bills from the Mid-Atlantic Leaders Conference and the NAITC conference in Saratoga Springs, New York.  
It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed via roll call vote. Jessie will check the Grange mailbox for any dues checks.


Loretta, Jessie Cope and Grace Boatright attended the Foundation for Food and Agriculture conference held in Washington, DC. Potomac Grange’s Kile Fund and National Grange’s Foundation each contributed $2,500 towards this conference. All three of our members recommended that Potomac Grange not participate in this conference next year as the benefits to Potomac Grange and National Grange are not worth $5,000.00. 


The Junior Grange will begin using AITC materials in its programs.


Grange youth will be arriving shortly to DC to participate in National Agriculture Day.  
Discussion followed regarding Fly-In scholarship requirements, which include a 3,000-word essay. It seems these requirements are too stringent, as nobody has applied to participate in this year’s Fly-In.  
Burton suggested that expansion of funding for Youth and Junior participation in National Ag Day may be a better investment than Fly-In Scholarships. Visits to the Hill and other educational programs could be added to the Youth and Juniors program. It could evolve into their own Fly-In.
There was consensus to evaluate this year’s program for a decision about 2020. 


National Grange Advocacy is playing a major role on educating the public about on line, low cost drugs from Canada. The facts are that many of these sites professing to be in Canada are really in places like Indonesia and India where there is no oversite of production. The Canadian equivalent to our FDA does not have any oversite of these drugs passing through their country.
While these on-line drugs may be cheaper, they can also be ineffective or even harmful.
Grange Advocacy is also working with the Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative (RALI) coalition to distribute kits for the disposal of unused drugs. Currently six states have taken on the project and there are six more state Granges ready to participate if and when RALI is ready to expand. 


The Grange Revival will be held July 23 to 28 at Mulberry Mountain in Ozark, Arkansas. Amanda Rios is working on accommodations and grill space.

Loretta Washington suggested that Potomac do a coffee and donuts day in the Grange Building lobby for the building’s tenants. The purpose is to educate tenants about the Grange and spark their interest in joining Potomac Grange. This would be done with a handout about the Grange going with the coffee and donuts. Jessie Cope opined that something simpler than coffee would serve the objective of creating awareness of Potomac and National Granges. A move to hold this event on April 1 was amended to April 9 so more members will be available to participate. The amended motion passed.


The Spring Fling will be held on the evening of April 9. Grace Boatright will find a speaker.
Grange Magazine subscriptions should soon be up for renewal.
Grange Foundation raffle tickets will be for a quilt with a heart in the middle. Joan Smith is a Ticket Captain. For those members of her team that sell all their allotments, she will hold a drawing for a free week at her house in Florida.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1

January 9, 2019 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order via telephone at 112:08 p.m. EST.  Also participating in the meeting were Treasure Jessie Cope, Community Service Director Loretta Washington, Membership Director Stephanie Wilkins, Family Activities Director Stephanie Tiller, Communications Director Amanda Rios, Legislative Director Burton Eller, Overseer and Youth Activities Director, Leroy Watson, Treasurer Richard Weiss and guest Peg Landry.


Secretary Weiss read the December 11, 2018 minutes.  They were passed as amended to include the phrase “We continue to search for two teachers to attend.”


A sum of $2,500 was granted to Foster Our Future from the Kile Fund. There is an outstanding bill of $300.00 for annual dues to National Ag in the Classroom (NAIC).  Jessie Cope moved and Loretta Washington seconded to pay the bill from the Kile Fund.  The motion passed.

Discussion followed regarding future NAIC expenses to attend its April 15 to 17 conference in Saratoga Springs, New York. NAIC pays travel and lodging and some meal expenses. Travel expenses include 50 cents mile travel by car.  Registration fee is $50.00 for the first representative and $65.00 for the second. Joan explained that the conference will have speakers, show materials for the classroom and foster good ideas in general. She also pointed out that Potomac is being mentored by the state of Maine NAIC and in the future, she will get more involved in NAIC and the Grange Foundation, as she plans to retire soon.

Jessie Cope moved that Potomac send a second person to the conference and pay the extra expense from the Kile Fund.  There will not be extra travel expense, as they will drive to Saratoga Springs. The motion passed.


Legislative Committee chairman Burton Eller reported that the government shut down will impact Farm Services programs, SNAP programs, school lunch and child nutrition programs.

There were no other committee reports.


Loretta Washington and Charlene Espenshade will attend the February 5 Foundation for Food and Agriculture “Foster Our Future” event at the Ronald Reagan Building in the afternoon and Joan, Amanda Loretta and Burton will attend in the evening.

The Potomac Grange “Spring Fling” will be held Wednesday, March 6 in the Goss Conference Room from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


It was moved that the Kile Fund supply $2,000 for the 2019 Fly In.  Burton will use $1,600 for two scholarships and the remainder for miscellaneous expenses such as Congressional Guide books. The motion passed. All Potomac Grange members are invited to the Monday,

April 29 orientation session.

There is good possibility that NJ Granger will be a 2019 intern while a student at American University.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 12:59 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1

October 3, 2018 Meeting Minutes

President Joan C. Smith called the meeting to order via telephone at 12:05 p.m. EDT. Also, on line were Treasurer Jessie Cope, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, Amanda Brozana Rios, Overseer Leroy Watson, Executive Committee member Sheri Watson, Secretary Richard Weiss, National Grange Legislative Director Burton Eller, National Grange Convention/Operations Director Stephanie Tiller and Peg Johnson.


The September 5, 2018 minutes were passed as amended to reflect that Potomac Grange #1 will participate in the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research February 5, 2019 event at the full $2,500 sponsor level. The National Grange Foundation will also contribute at that level.


Current Operating Fund balance at BB&T Bank is $3,066.96.
Current Kile Fund balance at PNC Bank is $40,307.54.  This includes a $25,000 monthly loan repayment from the National Grange.


Amanda is working with an artist who is doing drawings of agricultural scenes within the District of Colombia. These will be used in the Ag in the Classroom program. So far, the artist has worked on drawings of the National Arboretum and the Tidal Basin cherry trees. Thoughts for other scenes include the USDA vegetable garden and perhaps animal scenes from the National Zoo. We should see finished work by Thanksgiving.

The National Agriculture in the Classroom organization is encouraging Potomac Grange #1 to apply for a $15,000 Fire Up grant to take the paper-based Junior Passport Program in initial development by the National Junior Grange Director Samantha Wilkins to app-based digital form.

The app would allow kids with cell phones/tablets to upload their progress toward earning passport seals from Junior Grange and get digital passport stamps.


The National Grange has purchased a hydraulic arm robot that can perform several tasks. Amanda and others were able to program the robot in a few hours. Accordingly, Amanda moved that Potomac Grange reimburse National the $640 purchase price and give the robot to the Junior Grange to help Juniors learn programing.

In discussion that followed, it was suggested that a direct payment to the National Grange from the Kile Fund might violate the trust’s guidelines. Accordingly, Leroy Watson moved that the motion be amended to have the payment made to the National Grange Foundation and that it be based on a written request from the Junior Grange Department. A further amendment increased the payment to $700.00 to cover related shipping and other expenses.

Both amendments were approved, and the motion passed as amended.

There will not be a Potomac Grange November meeting due to the National Convention. The next meeting will be a wine, cheese and gift exchange holiday meeting on December 12.

Joan Smith was confirmed as the Potomac Grange representative to the National Convention and Leroy Watson will be the alternative representative.

It was moved seconded and passed to contribute $1,000.00 from the Kile Fund to the North Carolina Relief Fund for farmers who lost crops in Hurricane Florence. The North Carolina State Grange will be notified of the contribution.


We recognized Oklahoma State Grange President Billy Schufeldt and Oklahoma State Grange Lecturer Ann Keeton as Grangers in need.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1

September 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM in the National Grange Goss conference room via conference call.  In physical attendance was Joan Smith, Jessica Cope, Stephanie Wilkins, Amanda Brozana-Rios and Stephanie Tiller.  On the conference line were, Burton Eller, Leroy Watson and Cheri Watson.


President Joan Smith read the June 6 minutes which were approved with no additions or corrections.


BB&T Operating account balance $3,139.91. The PayPal function has been added to our website by Stephanie Wilkins for payment of dues by our membership.

PNC, KILE Fund, balance will be reported at our next meeting as access to the account is still being worked. National Grange is up-to-date with all of its monthly loan payments to us reference the $25,000 loan provided to support the Boiler repairs.

Motion made to add a donation button on our website for members to utilize when paying their dues.


NAITC -Joan C. Smith provided a report of the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference held in Portland Maine and the presentation of the Agriculture Advocate award to Maggie McKeen, New Mexico on behalf of the National Grange Foundation. A thank you note was received and read from Mrs. McKeen.

DC AITC – Amanda presented that Annie Montes has volunteered to develop coloring pages dealing with agriculture laid against the Washington DC landscape/landmark background that we could use for our AITC DC program. (i.e. Bee Hive on our roof, Arboretum carp fish and bonsai trees, White House National Christmas Tree, farm animals at the National ZOO, etc.) This idea was found favorable and Amanda will pursue this further. The idea is that PG#1 would provide the pages to schools/teachers along with maybe a seed pack or other items for their use in support of agriculture in their curriculum.


Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) will hold a “Foster our Future, cultivate, discover, grow” event in WDC on Feb 5, 2019 at the Ronald Reagan Building. The National Grange Foundation is a $2,500 sponsor. PG#1 agreed to sponsor FIAA at the $2500 level itself and thereby will receive 4 tickets to the event which we would then distribute to two teachers to attend the event and 2 Potomac members to attend.


Dick Weiss is in the hospital with a foot injury. Stephanie Tiller to send a dish garden/balloons to him from PG#1.

All members of PG#1 to be emailed to support the Good Day Magazine and to provide the link to sign up for a subscription.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan C. Smith, President
Potomac Grange #1

June 6, 2018 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order via telephone at 12:07 p.m. Also on line were Treasurer Jessie Cope, Secretary Richard Weiss, and Amanda Brozana-Rios.


Secretary Weiss read the May 2 minutes.  There were no additions or corrections.


Treasurer Cope reported a balance of $2,952.08 in the BB&T Operating account as of June 6.
There was no Kile Fund update at this time.
Jessie, Joan and I visited BB&T and changed the signatories on our account there and changed them at PNC via email.
Jessie set up a Pay Pal account with BB&T so dues can be paid directly into our account from the Potomac Grange web site. Stephanie Wilkins will set up a “Pay Now” button on the site.


National Agriculture in the Classroom Annual Conference – Banners and /brochures will be sent soon to the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Portland, Maine. The material is for the Potomac Grange booth at the Ag in the Classroom June 25th to 29th convention. The National Grange board has decided National will pay the out and back shipping expenses.  Joan Smith’s car travel, meals and hotel expenses will be covered by the Kile Fund.

Joan will present the National Grange Advocacy Award at the Wednesday night banquet.  The recipient is determined by the Ag in the Classroom board of directors. Next year’s convention will be June 18 to 21 in Little Rock, Arkansas.


We have three interns with us at the national office who come by way of the Fund for American Studies. Two of them are assisting with research on food security and food literacy and potential programs and outreach related to these issues.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

Because of conflicts with holidays, the next meeting will be September 5.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard B Weiss

Secretary, Potomac Grange #1

April 11, 2018 Meeting Minutes

President Joan C. Smith called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. EDT via telephone from the National Grange Building in Washington, DC. Also present in the building were Lady Assistant Stewart Jessie Cope, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, Treasurer Amanda Brozana Rios, National Grange Legislative Director Burton Eller, National Grange Sales, Benefits and Program Director Loretta Washington and National Grange  Convention/Operations Director Stephanie Tiller. On the line from New Hampshire were Overseer Leroy Watson and Executive Committee member Sheri Watson and from DC, Secretary Richard Weiss.

The January 16, 2018 minutes were approved as read by Secretary Weiss.


Treasurer Amanda Rios submitted her resignation as treasurer and recommended Jessie Cope, who has been handling much of the finances already, for the position.  Jessie was nominated and elected as the new Treasurer. Her current position as Lady Assistant Steward will be left vacant until regular elections in June.  Jessie reported the following:

  • Potomac Grange has received March and April payments from National Grange towards Potomac’s $25,000 Grange building cooler replacement loan.
  • Potomac reimbursed National $47.45 for part of the March 12 party expenses.
  • Potomac has contributed $2,200.00 from the Kile Fund to help support the National Grange Legislative Fly-in.


Thirty attendees from fourteen states will participate in next week’s Fly-in.  Monday morning briefings will cover health care, broad band, and labor shortages.  The latter will be presented by a new member from New York state. In the afternoon members will have a briefing by the USDA at the agency’s DC headquarters.


Jessie Cope will join Joan at the April AITC Leaders Summit in Chicago and will be attending the workshops.  Jessie will also help cover concurrent sessions during the conference.  Because USDA covers travel and meal costs the only additional cost will be her $100.00 registration fee.  It was moved, seconded and passed to pay the fee from the Kile Fund.

In June, Joan will attend the annual Ag in the Classroom conference, where Joan will present the National Grange Foundation Agriculture Advocacy Award to a recipient chosen by the NAITC BoD with a $3,500.00 Advocacy Award

Amanda, National Communications Dir, thanked Joan and Jessie for handing the Registration at the Mid-Atlantic Leaders’ Conference held in Westminster, MD in March.  She also thanked each of them for the workshops they presented.  Potomac Grange was well represented

Leroy will submit a few leftover expenses from last year’s National Convention.


There was consensus to move our meeting day to Wednesday in response to requests from Dick Weiss and Burton Eller who often have conflicts with other ag related meetings on Tuesdays.  It was decided to go with the first Wednesday of each month.  Accordingly, the next meeting will be May 2.

Amanda Rios presented the following resolution for consideration:

RESOLVED that Potomac Grange #1 establish a PayPal account linked with our checking account that allows for the electronic transfer of funds for dues and donations and be it further
RESOLVED that Potomac Grange #1 add a processing fee to all dues collected electronically of no less than 5% per transaction

During discussion it was pointed out that Stephanie Wilkins needs to be notified of who pays and for what kind of membership as she keeps the membership list up to date.  She will be included on the email notification list.  The resolution passed.


President Smith thanked Grange Building management for the new lighting and painting in the entrance hall.  She pointed out the need for refurbishing the brass entry doors and elevator doors.  Stephanie Tiller noted that said work is scheduled and will run $700.00 to $1,000.00.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard B Weiss

Secretary, Potomac Grange #1

January 16, 2018 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order via telephone from the National Grange building in Washington, DC at 12:05 p.m. EST. Others on the line from the Grange Building were Lady Assistant Stewart Jessie Cope, Flora Stephanie Wilkins and National Grange Sales, Benefits and Program Director Loretta Washington. On the line from New Hampshire were Overseer Leroy Watson and Executive Committee member Sheri Watson and from DC, Secretary Richard Weiss.

The October 17, 2017 minutes were approved as read by Secretary Richard Weiss. It was also pointed out that at our December 12, 2017 holiday gathering, we voted to send one representative to the April 16 to 18, 2018 National Ag in the Classroom meeting in Chicago.


As of December 30, 2017:
Kile Fund balance – $46,803.07
Operating fund balance- $823.00


  • Cost to ship the National Ag in the Classroom display from the National Convention site in Portland, Oregon to the University of Utah by UPS was $67.55. Jessie Cope moved and Stephanie Wilkins seconded that the bill be paid from the Kile Fund. Motion passed.
  • President Joan Smith has received a copy of the National Grange’s promissory note to Grange Advocacy for the loan toward replacement of the Grange Building cooler. Joan will edit it to reflect Potomac Grange’s $25,000.00 loan for the same purpose. She will be the signer and the loan will then be processed from the Kile Fund.
  • The Potomac Grange E-membership resolution was approved at the 2017 National Convention in Portland, Oregon and will be represented at the 2018 convention in Stowe, Vermont. (See October 17, 2017 minutes for resolution details.)
  • Potomac Grange #1 will be recognized by the National Grange for its $500.00 “Friends” membership to the 150th Anniversary Gala. Thanks to Jessie Cope, Potomac also provided close to $700.00 worth of items for the silent auction.


  • The National Grange, through the Grange Foundation, will present a $3,500.00 National Ag in the Classroom Advocacy Award to the person or persons best promoting agriculture during 2017. It will be presented at the National Ag in the Classroom June 2018 convention in the state of Maine. There was consensus that Joan be our representative at the convention and that rather than splitting her expenses with the Grange Foundation, Potomac Grange cover all her expenses from the Kile Fund. Leroy Watson so moved and Jessie Cope seconded. The motion passed. Because USDA covers most of the hotel and meal expenses and Joan plans to drive to Maine, expenses should only be between $500 and $800.
  • It was moved seconded and passed to pay the 2018 $300.00 National Ag in the Classroom annual dues from the Kile Fund.
  • Amanda Brozana-Rios and Joan Smith are preparing Potomac Grange’s WDC annual report to the National Ag in the Classroom headquarters in Tampa, Florida. Our report will be compiled with those of other states and presented to the USDA.
  • Jessie Cope moved and Leroy Watson seconded that Potomac Grange send Joan Smith to the National Grange Masters Conference in Clackamas, Oregon March 2 to 4, 2018. Estimated cost is $950.00 to be paid out of the Kile Fund. By attending she will also be able to participate in the Grange Foundation Board meeting of which she is a member.


Amanda Brozana-Rios is home ill.  She managed to get The Patrons Chain out before succumbing, and the 180 page “Good Day”.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m. EST.

The next meeting will be February 20th at noon.

The annual “good weather” holiday party will be March 20, the first day of Spring.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard B Weiss

Secretary, Potomac Grange #1

October 17, 2017 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order via telephone at 12 Noon EDT. On the line from New Hampshire were Overseer Leroy Watson and Executive Committee member Sheri Watson and from DC Secretary Richard Weiss.  Gathered in the National Grange Building in Washington, DC were Treasurer Amanda Brozana Rios, Lady Assistant Steward Jessie Cope, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, National Grange Convention and Operations Director Stephanie Tiller, Sales, Benefits & Program Director Loretta Washington and National Grange Legislative Director Burton Eller.

September 19, 2017 Minutes

Due to Secretary Weiss’s absence from the September 19 meeting, there were no published minutes.  However, President Smith read from here meeting notes to sufficiently inform us on the September 19 proceedings.  Due to a lack of a quorum the September 19 agenda items requiring a vote were carried over to October 17.

Treasurer’s Report/Bills

Current Kile Fund balance is $44,576.78
Current Operating Fund balance is $823.00
One outstanding Kile Fund bill of $51.00 for shipping charges of Ag in the Classroom brochures. 


Ag in the Classroom

At an October 4 meeting in the Grange Building, Ag in the Classroom representatives from Utah and Virginia advised Potomac Grange members on teacher training methods.  There is some concern about being able to relate to urban teachers and students.  Potomac has received 400 educational handouts.  Consensus was to turn attention to Ag in the Classroom after the National Grange annual convention.

Amanda moved and Jessie seconded payment of the $51.00 shipping bill.  Motion passed.

Chiller Replacement and the Kile Fund

Replacement of the Grange Building chiller will cost over $900,000.  To date, major contributions to the Building Fund toward the replacement are $400,000 from the Washington State Grange, $100,000 from the Grange Foundation and a $25,000 loan from Grange Advocacy.

The question was raised as to whether Potomac Grange should also make a $25,000 loan or even make a gift of that amount.  Leroy pointed out that the Kile Fund’s restrictions would not allow a gift to the Building Fund.  He further pointed out that because of its small amount and dated restrictions, the Kile Fund is not very attractive to the bank holding it.  Accordingly, the bank has set a flat fee that, combined with Potomac’s expenditures, will probably deplete the fund in ten to twelve years.

The question was then raised as to whether there are sufficient funds to make a $25,000 loan and cover estimated future commitments.  Joan identified the following future commitments:

  • Fly-in scholarships – $3,500
  • Ag in the Classroom costs- $5,000
  • Contribution to the National Foundation California fire relief fund – $1,000

Given that the bank estimates the fund will generate approximately $9,500 a year in income and the almost $45,000 fund balance, consensus was that the fund can handle the $25,000 loan.  Accordingly, Leroy Watson moved that Potomac Grange #1 lend National Grange $25,000 for one year at an interest rate of 0.7% with the funds to be used toward the cooler replacement.  Cheri Watson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Leroy advised that the loan can be rolled over for more years should the need occur.


Discussion then turned to how Potomac might support the December 4 150th Anniversary Gala.  President Smith will be contributing items for the silent auction.  After discussing other alternatives Cheri Watson moved and Stephanie Tiller seconded that Potomac purchase a $500.00 “Friends” sponsorship which comes with two free tickets to the gala and 250 descriptive words of copy in the gala program.  The motion passed unanimously.  The copy will reference Potomac as the “Grange of the Founders” and the DC representative of Ag in the Classroom.

2017 Convention

President Smith announced that Grace Boatright will be unable to attend the 2017 Convention as Potomac’s Youth Ambassador.  Thus we will have no representative this year.  Grace will be eligible for Youth Ambassador in 2018.


E-Membership Resolution

Overseer Leroy Watson has proposed that Potomac Grange submit to the upcoming National Convention a resolution revising the current E-Membership.  Said resolution offers

E-Membership at $40.00 a year for individuals and $80.00 a year for families with individual dues income to be distributed $32.50 to the National Grange and $7.50 to the State Grange where the E-Member resides.  Family dues income to be distributed $65.00 to the National Grange and $15.00 to the State Grange.  The resolution includes benefits and conditions of E-Membership.

It was moved and seconded and passed to present the resolution to the National Convention.

There were no members sick or in distress and no further business.  The meeting adjourned.

There will not be a November meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard B Weiss

Secretary, Potomac Grange #1

July 18, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Secretary Richard Weiss called the meeting to order via telephone at 12:05 p.m. On the line from New Hampshire was Executive Committee member Sheri Watson.  Gathered in the National Grange Building in Washington, DC were Treasurer Amanda Brozana Rios, Lady Assistant Steward Jessie Cope, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, National Grange Program Director Loretta Washington, National Grange Convention and Operations Director Stephanie Tiller, and interns Ferderica Cobb, Mandy Bostwick, Benjamin McCovy, and Kennedy Gwin.

Minutes from the July 11, 2017 Ag in the Classroom meeting were approved as read.

Financial Report

Jessie Cope reported depositing $185.00 in recent dues payments.  She will make out a check to the National Grange for $38.50 to cover second quarter 2017 dues.  Richard Weiss has sent out reminders to those who have not paid 2017 dues yet due to the very late delivery of the original dues notice.

Old Business

It appears President Smith did not have a chance to check on DC’s Back to School Week program before leaving on vacation.  Loretta Washington volunteered to follow up and report back if there is still an opportunity for Potomac Grange to participate with the Ag in the Classroom program, and, if so, what are the requirements.

There was discussion on Potomac’s delegate to the 2017 National Convention in June.  It is not clear at this point if Joan will represent Potomac or New Jersey. It was pointed out that others, such as Pete Pomper, may be able to represent New Jersey.  It was decided to carry this issue over to the next meeting when we have more information on who can represent New Jersey.

New Business

Amanda pointed out that if Potomac wants to have a Youth Ambassador to the National Convention, we need to do it soon.  Apparently, Grace Boatright would be the only Potomac Grange member eligible to be Youth Ambassador.

Amanda also noted that Potomac Grange #1 has sponsorship opportunities at the $100.00 and $250.00 levels for the December 4 150th Anniversary Gala.

It was decided that both these issues be agenda items for the next meeting.

There were no Grangers in need and no further business. Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard Weiss
Secretary, Potomac Grange #1

July 11, 2017 Meeting Minutes (Ag in the Classroom)

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. in the Goss Conference Room of the National Grange Building in Washington, DC.  Also present were Potomac Grange Steward Amanda Brozana Rios, Lady Assistant Steward Jessie Cope, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, Secretary Richard Weiss, National Grange Program Director Loretta Washington and interns Christopher Sebastian, Benjamin McEvoy, Cait Cady, Kennedy Gwin, Mandy Bostwick, and Ferderica Cobb.

The purpose of the meeting was to develop a plan to carry out Potomac Grange’s new role as the Washington, D.C. contact organization for USDA’s Ag in the Classroom Program.

President Smith started the meeting off with a description of the June 20 – 23 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference which she attended in Kansas City, Missouri. Attendees included school teachers, Ag in the Classroom state contact representatives, ag industry suppliers and USDA officials.  There were speakers, seminars and award ceremonies.  Joan showed us samples of materials that are available for use in the classrooms.

Potomac Plans

  • Market target – Urban youth.
  • Grade Level – Mandy Bostwick, who is a teacher, recommend grades two to four as children at that level tend to still pay attention.
  • Objective – Create awareness of agriculture’s role and importance in our lives.
  • Methodology – Become and educational resource for teachers. Give them resources to use in the classroom.  Mandy pointed out that, to be useful to teachers, our program must meet their educational standards, objectives and priorities.  Math and reading are top priorities at this level.  Initial thoughts are to offer reading material that delivers the ag message while fitting the teachers’ curriculum.
  • Roll out – Loretta Washington alerted us to Back to School week to be held at the DC Convention Center in August. The event includes vendor booths offering materials and programs to the schools. Joan will pursue a booth at the event with the purpose of getting an understanding of what might work with DC schools and teachers and generating interest in the Ag in Classroom program. We can pass out AG TODAY

In the first year, implement the program at the second grade level in a single test school.  If the initial program works at the test level, roll it out further in the second year while continuing to test programs at the third and fourth grade levels in the initial test school.

Amanda suggested that, because of our relationship with Gallaudet University for the hard of hearing, we consider doing a program with the affiliated Kimball Demo Elementary School.

There was no further business.  The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1