Randy started cooking when he was about 4 years old. It was Uncle Ben’s instant rice, and he made a soup out of butter to eat it in. Randy then “graduated” to Kraft Mac n cheese, then microwavable foods.
When Randy moved to California, he got a job as a dishwasher to help occupy his time, and ended up cooking one day, he loved it! Restaurant cooking was interesting and rewarding. Not only did I get to learn; a trade, other languages, and to cook, but he also got a meal a shift. The culinary school soon caught my attention, and off he went. Randy’s passion for cooking was ignited by meeting chefs with different culinary specialties and he remembers wanting to learn all of the cuisines at once. He had the most wonderful opportunity to meet and work with many talented cooks and chefs whose work ethic and talents were gathered from their travels around the world through many different kitchens. These techniques have been used forever to make great food. The discipline these men and women mastered and shared with me has forever influenced how I will shop for and prepare food.
I was diagnosed with a stomach issue. It’s a rare one and because of it, my list of food, and where it can come from, is getting shorter and shorter. It’s prompted my family to go to an organic diet. I mean organic straight from my ground or my yard as much as I can grow. The difference in my health has been extraordinary since the change.
I want to share all of this experience with you!!!!! My passion for learning in this World of food will never cease. My goal in working with High Desert Grange is to learn more with YOU!
Hope to see you there!!! Happy cooking! *-Randy-*