Community Garden

seed production & pollinator habitatWe imagine the garden turning into a community gathering space overflowing with plant life and pollinator species.

The Grange Community Garden was established in 2020, in the backyard of the Upper Big Wood River Grange 192, which had been covered in wood chips in previous years to manage weeds, and build soil fertility. The mission of the garden is to support local food production.

The garden provides a setting for the demonstration of home food gardening and composting, the production of seeds adapted to our local growing conditions, and creating habitat for pollinators. The garden is also a setting for educational activities. Drip irrigation and mulching is used as a way to conserve water.

The Grange Community Garden has hosted several workshops in collaboration with 5B Resilience Gardens.

Seeds produced in the garden supplies the Wood River Seed Library, and are shared with local gardeners. Producing locally adapted seeds safeguards plant biodiversity in the the Wood River Valley, and contributes to a resilient food system.

The garden has been growing squashes, beans and sunflowers, using the traditional Native American planting model of the “3 sisters”.

The Grange Community Garden plays a role in understanding where our food comes from, and the importance of growing food locally, and cultivating the art and science of growing our own food, and saving our own seeds.