The Upper Big Wood River Grange is a non-profit organization that fosters local agriculture, local food economy and sustainable practices, as well as gardening, seed saving, home cooking, sewing and other practical arts. Various community events are offered, and our members are encouraged to do community service. The Grange Hall is home to the Wood River Seed Library, its seed bank and seed vault, has an educational Community Garden, provides a studio for dance and Tai Chi classes, and is used for meetings and activities for several non-profits, and for the community.
Located at 609 South 3rd Avenue in Hailey, Idaho, the Grange Hall is proudly owned by its members since 1924! It is a historical building including a large room of approximately 40 x 30 feet with a wooden floor and a wall covered in mirrors, a stage, a kitchen, and an old upright piano. A nice hometown hall that has opened its doors to a wide variety of community functions.
The usual quarterly meeting night of the UBWR Grange Association is the third Thursday of the month. New members are welcome.
We currently sponsor and assist with the following social and civic organizations in the Wood River Valley: We are a chartered member of the Boy Scouting programs. We serve 4H/FAA programs, Sawtooth Rangers, Footlight Dance Centre, the Wood River Seed Library, The Trailing of the Sheep Festival. We give yearly scholarships for Blaine County High School graduates.
The UBWR Grange is a Chapter of the Idaho State Grange, which in turn is part of the National Grange. The National Grange was founded after the Civil War in 1867, and is the oldest American agricultural advocacy group with a national scope. The Grange accepts charitable donations through its National Grange Foundation to fund qualifying projects.
The Grange is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, fraternal organization that advocates for rural America and agriculture. With strong history in grass root activism, family values and community service. There are more than 2,000 hometown Granges across the US.
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