May 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes


President Mark Gibbons called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m.  Participating in the meeting were Vice-President Leroy Watson, Pomona and Board Member Cheri Watson, Treasurer Jessie Patrick, Lady Assistant Steward Lorreta Washington, Secretary Ricard Weiss, Board Member Joan Smith and members Theressa Kenney and Dave Roberts.

Leroy Watson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Dave Roberts gave the opening prayer.

Richard Weiss moved for adoption of the April 10, 2024 minutes. Jessie Patrick seconded the motion. The motion passed.


Legislative – Burton Eller (written report)

  • Lots of action on the Hill but not much productivity.

  • House Ag Committee Chairman Thompson’s Farm Bill draft, which is headed for markup, is considerably different from Senate Ag Chair Stabenow’s.

  • While Bird Flu has spread to dairy cows, there is no evidence of the virus in milk or meat from those animals.

  • Health care and broadband issues lay dormant in Congress.


Current Operating Fund balance at Truist Bank                                 $3,010.11

Current Kile Fund balance at PNC Bank                                            $72,287.94

There are no outstanding checks.


Membership dues – Under the new system there are three documents: a calculation of dues, a membership spread sheet from which the dues were calculated and an accompanying questionnaire on the submitting Grange’s status. Secretary Weiss filled out the dues calculation and the questionnaire with help from Treasurer Patrick. These two documents were to be signed by President Gibbons and sent to National Grange Membership Director Amanda Brozana Rios.

It is not clear if we have taken all the required steps. Mark will check.

Potomac Grange Tax Status – Burton Eller is setting up a meeting for Mark Gibbons to meet with a lawyer regarding Potomac’s tax status.


Upcoming Elections – Mark Gibbons-While we will vote for new officers in June, nominations should be submitted by June 1 via the email document we recently received. This will speed up the process.

AITC Annual Conference – Mark Gibbons-President Gibbons feels we should send a representative to at least the first day of the AITC Conference when all states are present, and we would not have to pay a registration fee. He estimates the cost of that option will be around $1,300 for travel and lodging. Regardless of who is President at the time of the June meeting, Joan Smith moved we send Mark Gibbons to attend the first day of the June 24-27 AITC conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Cheri Watson seconded the motion. The motion passed.


All members reported good health for themselves and loved ones.

Lorreta Washington has been attending the Modern DayAg on the National Mall event which shows off the latest off-road farm equipment and has ag and food related booths.  It is attended by lots off out-of-towners who may be Grange prospects.  The politicians show up also.  For these reasons, she is seeking a partnership in a $5,000 booth for the 2026 event.

There was no further business and President Gibbons adjourned the meeting at 12:30 p.m.


Next Zoon meeting is June 12, 2024 at Noon.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1