October 8, 2014 – Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting – 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
- Program: Presentation by Bucks County Horse Bowl Team and Pie Making Contest
- Refreshments: Winning pies & runners up
November 12, 2014 – Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting – 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
- Program to be announced
Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market
Market continues each Saturday through October
Farm Market upcoming events
October 25 – Last Day of the Season
- Halloween / Harvest Celebration
- Costume Contest
- Quilt will be Raffled Off – BE THERE
- Visit our face book page for the most up to date information.
Put your pie to the test …
Bring your best pie … no six figure prize, but one entrants will walk away with a blue ribbon and bragging rights. Entries, whether winners or runners up will be served for refreshment following the meeting.
From the Master’s Desk
Jane D. Birk, Master, Plumsteadville Grange #1738
“First female Master of Plumsteadville Grange” – a milestone for us, but I will be following in the BIG footsteps of many female Masters, including PA State Grange past Master Betsy Huber. The Grange is unique among fraternal organizations in that from its inception – 150 years ago – men and women were equally accepted into full voting membership. Grange doctrine dictates that four offices be filled with women: Lady Assistant Steward, Ceres, Pomona and Flora – but in no way restricts women from taking any other office. I truly appreciate the confidence the membership has placed in my hands.
In this new endeavor, I welcome your input as the members of our organization as to what direction you
want our Grange to take as we approach our 100th anniversary. What do you think? Have ideas for new projects? Enhancements? Come to our meetings to present your ideas, or you can contact me at 610-657-7668 or by email: [email protected]
State Grange Session – October 18-20
Katie Graham and Jane Birk will be attending the State session in Reading, PA as voting representatives of Plumsteadville Grange. Any member in good standing is welcome to attend the session, and take the sixth degree which will be conferred on Saturday, October 18. For more info visit www.pagrange.org.
From the Past Master’s Desk
James E. Diamond, Past Master, Plumsteadville Grange #1738
Thank You Steve Byrne. On behalf of all the members of Plumsteadville Grange #1738 we thank you profusely for the commitment and dedication you provided to cause the resounding success of the Plumsteadville Grange Food Booth at the 2014 Middletown Grange Fair. Steve, your modus operandi in working with people is so unique that it reflects these leadership traits: planner, administrator, controller, director and coordinator. Furthermore you are a master at being sensitive to volunteer emotional needs, compassionate, understanding and you freely express your appreciation to volunteers for their assistance. I personally want to commend you for being who you are and your interest in serving the Grange by implementing a major fund raising endeavor. Plumsteadville Grange is very fortunate to have you as the Executive Director of the annual Grange -Food Booth. Again thank you.-
From the Desk of Marguerite Quinn
State Representative, 143rd Legislative District
There’s Still Time to Apply for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program
Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program application deadline has been extended from June 30 to Dec. 31. The program provides property tax and rent relief for eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with permanent disabilities age 18 and older.
The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters. Fifty percent of Social Security income is excluded when determining eligibility. The maximum standard rebate is $650.
For more information or an application, contact my office at 1032 N. Easton Road in Doylestown, telephone 215-489-2126, or visit the Department of Revenue’s website. After July 1, claimants who already applied for rebates may check the status of claims online or by calling, toll-free 1-888-PATAXES
Don’t Miss Out on Tax Relief!
The Taxpayer Relief Act was signed into law by Governor Rendell on June 27, 2006. The law provides for property tax reduction allocations to be distributed by the Commonwealth to each school district, and the state funds must then be used to reduce local residential school property tax bills. Property tax reduction will be through a “homestead or farmstead exclusion.” Under a homestead or farmstead property tax exclusion, the assessed value of each homestead or farmstead is reduced by the amount of the exclusion before the property tax is computed.
To receive school property tax relief for the tax year beginning July 1, 2015 the form must be filed by
March 1, 2015. Your school district is required to notify you by December 31st of each year if your property is not approved for the homestead or farmstead exclusion or if your approval is due to expire.
If you purchase a new house, make a change to your deed, amend your property lines or amend names on your deed for a variety of reasons, your original Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion is voided. Therefore, you must resubmit an application to the Bucks County Board of Assessment to be included in a future distribution of gambling revenue.
If you have not already, you can download a form from the Bucks County Board of Assessments at www.buckscountyboa.org or you can contact my office at 215-489-2126 and we will be happy to send one to you directly.
Plumsteadville Grange Minutes –
The minutes for the September 9th, 2014 meeting of the Plumsteadville Grange as recorded by Karen Moss, secretary, are included in their entirety. Plumsteadville Grange #1738 met September 9th at 7:30 pm. Present Men – 7, Women – 10 , Youth – 0 Total – 17
OPENING: The Grange opening ceremony was led by Master Jim Diamond, followed by the roll call of officers and committee members. Minutes of the previous meeting of July 2014 were mailed/emailed with the monthly newsletter.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present – Master Jim Diamond, Overseer Donald Steeley, Lecturer Darlene Quiring, Assistant Steward Don Moss, Chaplain Tony Townsend, Treasurer Jim Lomax, Secretary Karen Moss, Ceres Ruth Steeley, Pomona Toni Kellers, Flora Jane Birk, Musician Betty Diamond, Executive Committee Steve Byrne.
PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP: Jeni Minguez-Mogg of River Road in Pipersville recommended by Jim Diamond, Helen Whitmore from Smithtown Road in Pipersville recommended by Meg and Jim Lomax, and David Barnhart (and family) from Glenside recommended by Karen Moss. Welcome to all!
INDUCTION OF CANDIDATES: The following officers for 2014-2016 were inducted into office by Master Jim Diamond with the assistance as marshals of Lynda and Larry Kling:
- President Jane Birk, the first woman president/ master in Plumsteadville Grange’s history
- Overseer Donald Steeley
- Lecturer Katie Graham
- Assistant Steward Don Moss
- Lady Assistant Steward Darlene Quiring
- Chaplin Tony Townsend
- Treasurer Jim Lomax
- Secretary Karen Moss
- Ceres Meg Lomax
- Pomona Toni Kellers
- Flora Lynda Kling
- Executive Committee Donald Steeley
- Musician Betty Diamond
Farm Market: Meg Lomax reported that the market is still going strong. A food preservation workshop is being presented by the Doylestown Food Alliance in conjunction with the Farm Market this coming Saturday.
Building and Maintenance & Grounds: Don Moss reported that the Fire Marshall “failed” the Grange building for not having the emergency lights in working order. He was able to find the needed lights and batteries to make the repairs and that they will be fixed this coming Saturday. Donald Steeley reminded us that an electrician is needed to do repair to the back lights.
Legislative Report: Jim Diamond reported that he was met and talked to Tom Wolfe, Marguerite Quinn and Chuck McIlhinney.
Grange Fair Snack Booth: Steve Byrne gave a detailed accounting of the expenses and income for this year’s Snack Booth and the equipment changes. We were unable to obtain a refrigerator truck this year but made do with more beverage tubs and frequent deliveries. Next year we will have available more space in the walk-in refrigeration. He (and all of those present) gave a big thanks of appreciation to Kevin Kinny for his work on the grill. Profit for Plumsteadville Grange was $12,394 with another $9,440 going to Middletown Grange. Steve also reported that he has written a letter recommending Rylee Cassel to the National Honor Society, outlining her service at the Snack Bar. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this year’s Snack Bar run smoothly and profitably.
TREASURER REPORTS: The bank which has been handling our accounts for the last two years has been sold to Provident Bank of New Jersey. Jim Lomax reported that the switch has gone smoothly and that we are still able to use the Doylestown location. Our income for this month was $30,261, expenses $24,725, including Snack Bar expenses and property taxes.
NEW BUSINESS: Meg Lomax requested a small budget for props for this year’s Christmas play. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to allot $500 with any excess passing over to next year’s play.
State Grange has increased the dues we pay to them for each of our members to $44 this year. A motion was made, seconded and passed to charge our members $40 for the year 2014-2015 (bill to arrive in October) and subsidize the remaining $4.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to have a pie contest at October’s meeting. Steve Byrne will be judge.
There will be goodie bags made for the children at the last market day in celebration of Halloween. A motion was made, seconded and passed for Meg to purchase the goodies and the grange to pay the bill.
MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: And members doing well! Lillian Shull has been attending the Farm Market and looks great. Harold Keeler fractured his femur, has been in rehab and can be found at Manor Care Health Services Lansdale, 640 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936. Send a card!
Respectfully submitted, Karen Moss, Secretary.
Farm Market – Vendors Make it Unique
Plumsteadville Grange has been blessed with some unique vendors who sell their goods at the Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market. It is the vendors that make the Market such a success. The rule for selling products at the Market is “Either you make it or grow it.” This trait is what makes the Market unique because the products are truly produced or made locally and are sold by local vendors. The Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market is open for business from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm each Saturday until ending the last Saturday of October. For further information about the Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market, contact Meg Lomax at 215-766-9801.
Exquisiteness Found In Wood
Mr. Lester Heacock a retired lumberman exhibits his exquisite woodturnings at the Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market weekly. His unique works include bowls, vases, goblets, candleholders, pen and pencil holders, and much more. His products are for sale weekly and he can accept specialty orders by telephoning him at 215-345-6256
Did You Know?
According to Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture George Grieg, PA dairy farm families’ cows produce 10.5 billion pounds of milk annually, which would be more than 19 billion cups of milk. That would be enough milk for each Pennsylvanian – and 90% of Maryland’s population – to consume their three-a-day dairy for a year.
- PA leads the nation in mushroom production with 69 mushroom farms producing both fresh market mushrooms and mushrooms for processing valued at nearly $480 million according to the 2011 census?
Use of the Grange Hall
If you know of a group needing a meeting place, or to inquire about hall rental for an event, contact Meg Lomax at Meg Lomax at 215-766-9801 or [email protected]
Grange Refreshments
A Grange meeting without refreshments is just a meeting – the informal time after a meeting is often the most fertile ground for discussion of ideas and forging new friendships. A sign-up sheet has been posted in the Grange Hall – please indicate which month you would like to provide refreshments.
Like us on Face book
– We welcome members, friends and market vendors to post your comments. Search for “Plumsteadville Grange” or “Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market”
Change in the Newsletter
The heading of “Members Sick or In Distress” is changing to “Member Concerns / Celebrations“. In addition to being an area to share concern for our shut-in members and those facing health issues it will also be a place to announce happy events such as a milestone birthday or anniversary, graduation, special achievement, etc.
As always, if you have something to share or want to get the newsletter via email contact Jane Birk at 610-657-7668 or [email protected].
Member Concerns / Celebrations
- Harold Keeler is in rehab, recovering from a broken leg. He would appreciate cards and visitors at Manor Care Health Services, 640 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936. Phone: (215) 368-4350.
- Darwin Gruver, a long-time member, is a resident at Saucon Manor, 1050 Main Street Hellertown, PA 18055
- Margaret Moyer (daughter Kathy is a market vendor) 200 Veteran’s Lane, Apt.514, Doylestown, PA 18901
- Doris Hellerick is at the Lutheran Home at Telford, 12 Lutheran Drive, Telford, PA 18969
Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Buy LOCAL and FRESH Vegetables – Fruit – Eggs – Honey – Preserves – Pickles – Baked Goods- Cheese -Flowers – Crafts Art Pottery -Alpaca Products = Dog Biscuits – Woodwork – Tea Room – Knitting Workshop Last Market Day – Saturday Oct 25th
Costume Contest Quilt Raffle |
2014 Quilt Raffle Drawing – Oct. 25th. |
The 2014 Quilt will be raffled off at the last day of the Farm Market Season – October 25th. You only have a few short weeks left to get in on the action — Quilt raffle tickets are available at all Grange events – $2 each or three for $5 – who wouldn’t want to win a beautiful work of art! You do not have to be present to win, so get those entries in!
Plumsteadville Grange # 1738 |
Box 335, 5901 Easton Rd.
Plumsteadville, PA 18949