February 11, 2015 Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting – 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
- Noah Gesford, PA State Grange Youth Ambassador will be our special guest
- Shamrock Reins will give a quick overview of their equine assisted activities and therapies for Veterans & Active Duty Military Personnel and their Families, and Families of Fallen Heroes.
- Open Meeting – All welcome to attend!
March 11, 2015 Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting – 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
- Program: Rick Dalton from PA State Parks Dept – more details in next month’s newsletter
April 8 , 2015 Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
- Program: Shamrock Reins will make a more detailed presentation on how they help veterans
May 13 , 2015 Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting – 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
Program: Castle Valley Mill – History of milling in Bucks County
June 8, 2015 Plumsteadville Grange
- Monthly Meeting – 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall
Program: Bucks County Conservation District
Help Needed for Grange Dinners
Thursday, February 12 – Noon
(Esmond Crooke’s Farmers’ Group)Pies, Coffee cakes and HELP are needed.
- Pineville Horse Company – Sat. April 11
Pies and HELP needed
Help needed for preparation, service and clean up. Please Contact Annette Crooke 215-345-1276 with questions, or if you can provide a pie (or two). These dinners help raise funds – please help if you can.
A BIG “Thank you”
to the wonderful volunteers who helped make the recent Franklin Horse Company dinner a big success. A delicious roast beef dinner was served to 76 guests – an almost full house, and clean up was done in record time. Thank you to all!!
Fish Fry Dinners-Fridays , February & March
Crispy fried Fish, hand-cut French fries, Salads and home-baked desserts + Entertainment – what else can you want, and all for a good cause?
Proceeds benefit local deaf children and their families through our donation to the Bucks County Intermediate Unit – Our goal is to raise $1,000.
Dinners are scheduled for:
- Friday, February 27
- Friday, March 13
- Friday, March 27
Help us spread the word – post a poster, share on face book, tweet on twitter, etc. If you can volunteer to help or would like a poster contact Jim Lomax at 215 766 9801or [email protected]
Plumsteadville Grange Community Day – Saturday, April 18
Save the Date. Plans are underway to host an open house community day on Saturday, April 18th in celebration of April as Grange Month. We have reached out to a number of of local community service organizations who have agreed to participate, and we encourage the groups who use our Grange hall to join us as well. If you know of a community service organization who may be interested, please contact Katie Graham at 215-932-9683 or [email protected]
From the Master’s Desk
Jane D. Birk, Master/President, Plumsteadville Grange #1738
This year will be a year of change – we have a new governor and a new State Grange leadership team – as we move forward this year I want to ask each member (and our Grange Friends) a few questions:
What’s on your heart? What community service activities do you want to see us support? Do you see ways to partner/assist with other local service organizations? How can we best help others?
What’s on your mind? – What makes you tick (or ticks you off)? The Grange, while non-partisan, encourages participation in the legislative process on the local, State and National levels. The development of Grange policy starts at the local level making us a truly grass roots organization.
What do you want to do for fun? All work and no play is NO FUN. What “fun” activities such as day trips, dances, theater outings, etc, are you interested in the Grange organizing?
I hope I made you think for a minute or two – please bring your answers to a meeting for discussion – that’s what our meeting are for. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] with your concerns, or you can call me at 610-657-7668.
Plumsteadville Grange Meeting Minutes
The minutes for the January meeting of the Plumsteadville Grange as recorded by Karen Moss, Secretary, are included in their entirety. Plumsteadville Grange #1738 met Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:30 pm.Present Men – 8, Women – 8 , Youth – 0 Total – 16
OPENING: The Grange opening ceremony was led by President Jane Birk, followed by the roll call of officers and committee members. Minutes of the previous meeting of November 2014 were mailed/emailed with the monthly newsletter.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Officers present were President Jane Birk, Overseer Donald Steeley, Lecturer Katie Graham, Assistant Steward Don Moss, Chaplin Tony Townsend, Treasurer Jim Lomax, Secretary Karen Moss, Flora Lynda Kling, Musician Betty Diamond.
GUESTS: No guests were present.
PROGRAM: Draping of the Charter in memory of Harold Keeler.
Building and Maintenance & Grounds: Don Moss will repair the flag pole at the end of the meeting.
Agriculture Committee: Members reported on what and who they had seen at the Farm Show.
Legislative Report: All state legislation is on hold until the new administration is installed and functioning.
COMMUNICATIONS: We received a beautiful thank you card from Betty Diamond for the flowers and fruit sent her during her recent hospitalization. Also received was an update and fund request from the Discovery Project (which this year is building a cottage for boys at an orphanage and classrooms, as well as providing food bags to residents.) Midway Volunteer Fire Company sent a request for a donation. From State Grange we received our Community Service Plaque for 2014.
TREASURER REPORTS: Jim Lomax reported Income of $6,685 and Expenses of $9,953 during the period from November 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. We have received dues from about two-thirds of members. Our biggest expense during this period was for the accounting service which has completed 3 years of our taxes and brought us up to date with the IRS.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: Motion was made and passed to give Midway Fire Department a $100 donation.
Annette Crooke announced two upcoming dinners being served where the Grange will need all hands on board to cook, serve and cleanup. January 31st at 6pm we will be serving dinner to the Franklin Horse Protection Society and will need bakers to provide pies. On February 12th at Noon there will be a luncheon for GrowMark (Ethan Crooke) Group and for that we will need both coffee cakes and desserts. Please call Annette (215-345-1276 or 610-470-6602) to volunteer! PLEASE!
Also under new business, the Fish Fry Dinners were discussed and a motion made and passed to hold 6 dinners, one each Friday night during Lent. Jim Lomax will chair this activity with fish, chips, coleslaw, bread, salad and member-baked-desserts being served with the addition of special menu items some weeks. Time will be 5-7pm. Jim’s phone number is 215-766-0707 if you can volunteer to help or bake.
OTHER: Following the regular business meeting a discussion was held about the direction the members want the Grange to take during the next two years. Discussed was the need to continue youth support and the scholarship program – a goal of adding 10 new members this year, including a new pamphlet better directed at people who are starting small homesteads and farms, and presenting these pamphlets in places where such people would be present (i.e., Agway, Farm Vets, Extension Service, Feed Mills) – and the need to find more customers for the Farm Market.
MEMBERS SICK, IN DISTRESS, OR GETTING BETTER: Betty Diamond was back playing the piano as usual despite her recent visit to Doylestown Hospital. Both Leanne and Myron Kressman have been under the weather. Jim Crooke is starting a new treatment. Donald Steeley, the younger, is having recurring problems with the growth in his ear.
Respectfully submitted, Karen Moss, Secretary.
Plumsteadville Grange / 4H Scholarships
Members are reminded that Plumsteadville Grange is providing two yearly scholarships, of $500 (now named the Ellen Elaine Crooke Memorial Scholarship) for Bucks County 4H members and Plumsteadville Grange members’ children, one for agriculture based studies, and one for any study of choice. Students can reapply for study year 2 if they have maintained a grade pt average of 2.5, but they will also compete with new students applying for year1.
Agriculture related students may apply in year 2 for a study of their choice. Students should apply to Plumsteadville Grange on a standard application form from the Extension Service . Application forms should be accompanied by a transcript of grades from school, an essay, and two letters of recommendation. Application forms are available at Bucks County Co – operative Extension office.
Address applications to: Plumsteadville Grange, Box 335, 5901 Easton Road, Plumsteadville, PA 18949. The deadlines for scholarship application entries is May 1st 2015
Contact Meg Lomax with queries on 215-766-9801or [email protected]
The Plumsteadville Grange Executive Committee will be involved in the selection of students for the scholarships
Code Blue Shelter Information
Code Blue shelters offer refuge during periods of extreme, life-threatening weather (temperature of 26°F or below), there is free shelter available. Locally, the shelters below are open from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. when the temperature hits 26°F or below. Free rides are available to the shelter.
Call the Code Blue Hotline at (267) 450-5191 with any questions or to reserve a ride to the shelter.
Shelter Information
Feb. 1 – Mar. 31
Salem Mennonite Church, 41 East Cherry Road in Quakertown
If you need a ride to the shelter site in February or March, van rides will be provided from the following stops:
• Quaker Village Shopping Center at 8:30 p.m.
• Aldi’s parking lot in Quakertown at 8:50 p.m.
Car rides will be provided from the following stops in February or March. Call (267) 450-5191 to request a ride.
• Turkey Hill at Ottsville/Harrow at 8:20 p.m.
• Perkasie Square Shopping Center at 8:30 p.m.
Display Cabinet Dedication
A display cabinet designed and crafted by our own Donel Moss was unveiled and dedicated to the memory of long-time Grangers Raymond Gross and Harold Steeley at the Grange Christmas party/ celebration held on December 6, 2013. The cabinet is constructed of walnut with crotch walnut trim on the doors, and will be used to display memorabilia from the almost 100-old chapter of our Order.
This photo doesn’t’ do it justice – you have to see it to appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of this work of art.
A note from the Steeley Family
We sincerely thank the Grange for honoring Harold by dedicating this cabinet to his memory along with Ray Gross. Grange was an important facet in both of their lives, and both were interested in both its history and its future. Harold’s photo and the plaque he received as the 2000 PA State Granger of the Year will be donated for placement in the cabinet.
Ruth Steeley
Donald & Patti Steeley, Donald & David
Jane & Mike Birk, Denise Conner
Grangers at the PA Farm Show
Don Steeley and Jane Birk attended the PA Farm Show on Tuesday, January 13. Along with seeing the sights, they attended the Grange legislative meeting.
They also spent a few hours manning the PA State Grange information booth and were able to spend some time with our new State Master Beth Downey and Public Relations Director Stacey Ebersole. While there they sold some cook books and talked with potential members about the Grange.
“Fill a Glass with Hope” was the theme of this year’s butter sculpture – The Fresh Milk Program helps to ensure hungry Pennsylvanians receive milk, and is a joint venture between the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association and the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Donations at the Farm Show were estimated to be $50,000.00. Every $1 donated is the equivalent of eight glasses of milk. For more information visit www.centralpafoodbank.org/milk
Danboro 4-H News from the Farm Show
Danboro 4-H’ers Isabelle Congdon, Sydney & Madison Ochoco and Elizabeth Wiltshire entered many family living exhibits and won many ribbons and awards at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show. Danboro 4-H Club’s Driving Cold Winter Away poster from the 2013 Christmas Play won Honorable Mention. This poster displays Plumsteadville Grange Thespians as well as the Danboro Drama members. Danboro 4-H Club appreciates the Plumsteadville Grange for all their support in helping the 4-Hers reach their highest potential!
Madison Ochoco was awarded best of show ribbons for Senior 4-H textiles and Youth Quilt Block – Congratulations to Madison all our 4-H’ers!
Grange Quilting Group
The quilting group has been hard at work and the next work of textile art is now ready to raffle. The quilt is on display at the Grange hall.
Raffle tickets are now on sale at all Grange functions – $2.00 per ticket, or 3 for $5.00, or contact any Grange member. Proceeds are used to fund Grange Farm Market improvements.
Discovery Projects in Central America
Discovery Projects founder Barbara Carlson reports that their teams spent three weeks in Honduras and are currently spending three weeks in Costa Rica. Please continue to support and pray for their teams in their efforts. Look for updates on their projects in a future newsletter.
Photos Wanted
If you have photos of the Christmas party or any other Grange related event, please send copies to Jane Birk at [email protected] for inclusion in our community service book to be submitted to State Grange.
Use of the Grange Hall:
If you know of a group needing a meeting place, or to inquire about hall rental for an event, contact Meg Lomax at 215-766-9801 or [email protected]
As always, if you have something to share or want to get the newsletter via email contact Jane Birk at 610-657-7668 or [email protected].
Grange Refreshments
A Grange meeting without refreshments is just a meeting – the informal time after a meeting is often the most fertile ground for discussion of ideas and forging new friendships. A sign-up sheet has been posted in the Grange Hall – please indicate which month you would like to provide refreshments.
Like us on Face book –
We welcome members, friends and market vendors to post your comments. Search for “Plumsteadville Grange” or “Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market”
Member Concerns / Celebrations
Please remember our shut-in members – they would appreciate a card or visit.
- Darwin Gruver, Saucon Manor, 1050 Main Street Hellertown, PA 18055
- Margaret Moyer 200 Veteran’s Lane, Apt.514, Doylestown, PA 18901
- Doris Hellerick -Lutheran Home at Telford, 12 Lutheran Drive, Telford, PA 18969.
“Vote” for our sister Granges
Middetown Grange Fair – has been nominated by Bucks Happening Magazine as a top outdoor event!!!…. click on the link below to vote: http://bucks.happeningmag.com/happeninglist/2015-everything-bucks-outdoor-event/ – You can only vote once per email address – so please share this link.
Keystone Grange #2 (Montgomery County) has been nominated on the Montco Charity Happenings page – to vote click on:
Please make every effort to attend – this is an open meeting, so please invite friends, family members, or anyone interested in learning more about Grange to attend.
PLUMSTEADVILLE GRANGE 5901 Easton Road (Rte 611) Plumsteadville FISH FRY DINNER Fish, Fries, Salad, Dessert EAT IN OR TAKE OUT FRIDAY Feb 27th 5-7pm Mar 13th 5-7pm Mar 27th 5-7pm
Adults $8 under 12 yrs $5
Jim Lomax 215 766 9801 www.plumsteadvillegrange.org with LIVE MUSIC |
Plumsteadville Grange # 1738Box 335, 5901 Easton Rd.
www.plumsteadvillegrange.org |