May 22, 2012

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order via telephone at 8:33 a.m.  Also present via telephone were Overseer Leroy Watson and Executive Committee member Cheri Watson.  Present in the Saunders Library of the National Grange building in Washington, DC were Ceres Beverly Mitchell, Steward Amanda Brozana, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, Lecturer Samantha Johnson, Pomona Grace Boatright, Treasurer Amber Bell, Lady Assistant Steward Jessie Cope, Secretary Richard Weiss and intern, Mark Schuessler.

After it was pointed out to Secretary Weiss that he was reading the draft minutes of the April 17, 2012 meeting, not the final minutes, the final minutes were then approved as read.

Treasurer’s Reports

As of April 30, 2012 the operating fund at BB&T Bank stood at  $597.84
As of April 30, 2012 the Kile Fund at PNC Bank stood at $31, 494.40

Two checks totaling $6,000.00 should clear the Kile Fund in May.  After April, there will no longer be a bank fee on the Kile Fund.  Our accountant has filed an extension for the Kile Fund 990.

The IRS now requires separate Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) for Potomac Grange and for the Kile Fund.  These are corporate registrations with the District of Colombia.  Treasurer Bell paid DC $50.00 to expedite the process only to learn it would take six weeks before anybody in the DC Government can get to the matter.

Old Business

Grace Boatright reported that the Legislative Fly-in was well attended with Grangers from 13 states.  Recipients of the Potomac Grange scholarships were Chris and Lisa Bauer of Washington State, Joe Stefenoni of California and Nathan Stouter of Kansas.

Beverly Mitchell sold 30 votive candles raising $22.50 for the operating fund.

Potomac Grange #1 has collected three bras towards the Maryland State Grange breast cancer fund raiser.

There is no news on the Junior Grange restructuring program.  The final plan will be presented at the annual convention.

Potomac Grange #1 will contribute dictionaries to third graders at Kimball Elementary school in Southeast Washington.  Lecturer Samantha Johnson will contact to school to set a date for the presentation.

New Business

Potomac Grange #1 first quarter dues to National were paid at this meeting.  Total was $45.00.  It was noted that some members are in arrears on their dues.

Ag in the Classroom has requested $3,000.00 from National Grange to cover travel and expenses for their award winners.  National requested assistance from Potomac Grange.  It was moved seconded and passed to contribute $1,500.00 to Ag in the Classroom from the Kile Fund and leave the rest up to National.

Samantha Johnson reported that four Grangers from Oregon who are high-school buddies and World War II veterans will be coming to Washington and plan to visit the Grange building.  She plans to award them with certificates of recognition for their service.  It was moved, seconded and passed to also purchase Grange paper weights for them.  Cost is $16.00.

It was discussed and decided to recommend to the National Lecturer that he make 2013 a year of recognition of World War II veterans, both Grangers and community citizens.  Potomac Grange #1 will help out with the production of certificates.

Junior Grange

Rachael Watson will be going for the first degree toward a Black Belt in tae kwon do.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.

Next Meeting

The next Potomac Grange #1 meeting will be June 19, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. in the Saunders Library of the National Grange Building in Washington, DC.

Respectfully submitted,

Richard B. Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1