Waller Road Grange General Information

We’re your neighbors!

The Grange serves many purposes, including being a voice for the community, a place for fellowship, and bringing families together.

Our local grange information:

Waller Road #1111

2708 – 64th St. E., Tacoma

Meets 2nd Wednesday Monthly at 7:00pm

Grange Hall #: 253-531-1741

6 thoughts on “Waller Road Grange General Information

  1. Hi. Just wondering if you host classes and events like Fruitland Grange, and, if so, where might I find a list with dates and times? Thank you

    • Hi and thanks for your comment.
      The best way to find out about classes and events is to attend one of our meetings, which is held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday each month. We would love to have you join us, find out more about our grange, and provide input about the types of classes you would be interested in!
      This month we are also hosting a community barbecue on July 20th – details are here on our website. Please consider joining us – we would love to meet you and tell you more about our future plans.

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