Grange Ritual, Ceremonies and Business Meetings:
The Grange is not only a community organization, but it is also a fraternal order. Like all fraternal organizations, the Grange has traditionally used a formal procedure – a “ritual” – for opening and closing meetings and for welcoming new members.
Each Grange meeting is opened with a prayer and presentation of the flag.
As in other fraternities, there exists within the Grange several “levels” or “degrees” of membership. The entry level of membership is the local community Grange and members there are designated as “fourth degree members” because they have participated in four initiation ceremonies. These ceremonies (or “degrees”) are not often performed now but they constitute an important aspect of Grange tradition.
The county or district Pomona Grange confers the fifth degree and the sixth and seventh degrees are conferred by the state and national Granges respectively. Members can witness many of these ceremonies at the state and national conventions. Grange meetings are essentially business meetings with a portion of the time set aside for an entertainment or educational feature. There are ample opportunities for each member present to become an active part of the meeting and every member has an equal voice and vote.