grange-gazette-10-6GRANGE GAZETTE Of Rainbow Valley Grange
Volume 10, Issue 6 December 2016
Thursday, Dec. 8 USDA workshop @ grange hall 3:00 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 16 Meeting /Christmas Party @ grange hall 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 14 Meeting @ grange hall 6:30 p.m.
What’s happening at our Grange……
By Lucette Moramarco, Master
suncette@, (760) 468-7406
I hope everyone has been spreading the word about our USDA workshop for farmers on Dec. 8. Please invite anyone you know who grows some kind of crop, and come to the workshop if you can. We will need help setting up and cleaning up.
To those of you who can’t make it to the workshop or Christmas party (details below) – have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year too!
Secretary’s Report
Suzy Moramarco, Secretary
We have a new Lecturer. At our November meeting Kendra Donoghue volunteered to be an officer. She was nominated for the office of Lecturer and was voted in We decided to have our Holiday Party Friday, December 16th at 7:00pm. The grange will be providing dinner – lasagna, salad, etc. from Trupianos, and members are asked to bring a dessert to share. Please RSVP by December 10 to Cynthia at 760-235-6404 or [email protected]. We will also be having a gift exchange. All you need to bring, if you want to participate , is a White Elephant gift, one per person, worth no more than $10. We play the version where everyone picks a number, then when it is your turn, you can steal someone
else’s present (already unwrapped).
DUES ARE DUE FOR 2017, Adults – $36, Juniors – $5 – Family Plan – $72
Checks made out to Rainbow Valley Grange
can be mailed to
Rainbow Valley Grange
c/o 868 E. Alvarado St. #37
Fallbrook, CA 92028