Start 2025 by becoming a member of the Rainbow Valley Grange 689 today!

Please contact us for more information on becoming a member at:  [email protected]

Dues are the following (plus a $10 one-time application fee for new members):

  • $50 – Fraternal Individual (voting member)
  • $40 – Associate Individual (non-voting member)
  • $100 – Family (2 adults + 2 children under 14 years of age, voting members)
  • $1 – Junior (under 14 years of age)

National Grange Gala

Ed & Cynthia Komski (two of our members here at Rainbow Valley Grange) attended the recent 150 National Grange Gala celebrating our 150 years as an organization.

An impressive evening put together by the hard working staff of the National Grange.

Our reputation and results continue to provide platforms and opportunities for us to “make a difference and effect change”. Its up to us to capitalize on those opportunities to do something meaningful for our communities, state and nation.

They had the opportunity to meet with Senator Loretta Sanchez 47th district and she introduced us to Dr. Unac Governor of San Juan Argentina and Mr. Ejarque the Head of Economic Development. They 2 commented about the similarities of climates of Argentina and California’s agricultural environment and invited us to a meeting in March. A very special and unexpected opportunity for us to explore international partnerships.