June 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes

President Mark Gibbons called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m. EST. Also participating were Vice-President Leroy Watson, Treasurer Jessie Patrick, Chaplin Stephanie Wilkins, Secretary Richard Weiss, Pomona/ Executive Committee Member Cheri Watson, Ceres Loretta Washington, and National Grange Legislative Assistant Sean O’Neil.

Chaplin Wilkins gave a prayer and led us in the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.


President Gibbons called for any additions or corrections to the May 10, 2023 minutes. Hearing none, he called for a motion to approve. Joan Smith so moved. Leroy Watson seconded. The motion passed.



  • Farm Bill- Looking at a flat budget. National Grange is focusing on rural health, Broad Band extension, and potential new qualification requirements to the SNAP program. 
  • Rural health occupies almost fifty percent of their time. A Betsy Huber op-ed on the difficulty for rural citizens to get Alzheimer’s treatment because of travel distances is getting published. Mental health and obesity are rural issues that National is addressing.
  • Elimination of farm property value in judging student loan eligibility.
  • Hemp versus Cannabis-Grange supports increasing the THC level in the plant to remain defined as Hemp and not Cannabis.


No Report.


  • National will receive a $248,000, two-year PCORI grant to disseminate pre and post cancer surgery questionnaires to at least 150,000 rural residents. Local Granges will play the main role in this effort. Stephanie Wilkins will also create a web site devoted to sending out questionnaires. Joan Smith will oversee the program. Mark Gibbons added that National Grange will partner with the Care Givers Network in the distribution effort.
  • Ag in the Classroom expenses will be covered by the Grange Foundation beginning in 2024. Joan Smith will present the Grange Excellence Award at an awards breakfast during the AIG upcoming Orlando, Florida convention. AIG has suspended our registration fee, and Joan is just there for breakfast, so expenses should be minimal.
  • National Convention – Joan Smith moved that Mark Gibbons be the Potomac Grange representative to the November 14th to 18th National Convention in Niagara Falls, New York. Sean O’Neil seconded the motion. The motion passed.


Resolution: Submitted by Leroy Watson

This resolution has to do with the Assembly of Demeter’s extent of authority. It limits authority to only Assembly matters such as the Seventh Degree and gives the Grange Law Committee and Delegates oversight of Assembly motions. Sean O’Neil moved we present the resolution at the November National Meeting. Joan Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 1:08 P.M.  


Next meeting July 12 at Noon.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1