June 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the meeting to order at 12 Noon. Participating were Vice President Leroy Watson, Executive Committee member Cheri Watson, Treasurer Jessie Patrick, Secretary Richard Weiss, Community Service Director Loretta Washington, Chaplin Mark Gibbons, Flora Stephanie Wilkins, and National Grange Legislative Director Burton Eller.

The meeting opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The May 11, 2022 minutes were approved as presented..


As of today’s date, the Kile Fund balance at the PNC Bank is        $70,838.06

Treasurer Patrick will cut a $2,500 check to the Grange Foundation as Potomac’s contribution to the July 9th Youth and Junior Telethon.

As of today’s date, the Operating Fund at the Truist Bank is            $3,075.53

A $52.50 dues payment was added since last report.


LEGISLATIVE – Burton Eller – Congress has only five and a half weeks of actual work before September 1st and it is likely not much will get done as focus will be on mid-term elections.

National Grange is pushing for action on the Ocean Shipping Competition Reform Act which would enable US shippers to use foreign craft which have been returning to their home ports empty due to union rules allowing only the use of U.S. crafts to ship U.S. goods.

National is also monitoring the application of broad band funds and will soon prepare for the 2023 Farm Bill.

IRS/DC TAX PROJECT – Leroy Watson – The project continues and has not changed since the May 11 report.

JUNIOR & YOUTH – Cheri Watson – Rachael Watson is home for the summer working two jobs. She again made the college’s Dean’s List.


WORLD FOOD FORUM – Dick Weiss – Nothing to report.

GRANGE BUILDING SALE – Leroy Watson – Contract negotiations continue with details such as building identification to be worked out. Once both parties settle on a contract, the Grange will have one year to clear the building of tenants. Meantime


DICTIONARY DISTRIBUTION TO DC SCHOOLS – Joan Smith – No action yet. Planned for Fall 2022.

VIRTUAL TELETHON (Saturday, July 9) – Jessie Patrick will soon send $2,500 check from the Kile Fund to the Grange Foundation. President Smith asked Dick Weiss, Leroy Watson, and Stephanie Wilkins to prepare testimonials for presentation during the Telethon.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS – Stephanie Wilkins will prepare a document for nominations with the target of having nominations back in by June 22. Meantime, Dick Weiss will contact people who are listed as officers but are not dues current to see if they would rejoin.

There was no further business. President Smith read the latest Summer Good of The Order and the meeting adjourned at 12:55p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1