April 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes

President Joan Smith called the Zoom meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Participating were Treasure Jessie Patrick, Secretary Richard Weiss, Loretta Washington, and Mark Gibbons.


4/12 Operating Fund balance at Truist Bank                              $3,272.93

4/12 Kile Fund balance at PNC Bank                                        $71,674.41

A March deposit of $3,391.00 was made to the Kile Fund account,

March checks on the Kile Fund were:

  • DC Experience participants travel expenses
  • DC Experience trolley tour
  • Joan’s DC Experience expenses
  • Grange Youth scholars’ travel expenses.
  • Bonding
  • Zoom operating system renewal

Jessie showed a review of Kile Fund spending for the last four years.  She feels there are ample funds to cover similar future commitments.


The National Grange Junior and Youth departments have requested two $400.00 Grassroots Activism scholarships from Potomac Grange. The funds would go towards Washington DC Experience travel expenses. While there was consensus to grant the scholarships, there is concern over the youth programs’ dependence on and expectation of Potomac Grange financial support, especially after the 2021 Grange convention delegates’ dismissal of Potomac’s resolution asking for a one-dollar dues increase to help finance Youth and Junior programs.

After discussion, we decided to have youths receiving our financial support submit written reports or in person via our Zoom meetings.


World Food Forum – Dick Weiss is on the Forum’s mailing list. An upcoming forum will promote “healthy eating” to reduce air pollution by lessening animal farming.  Weiss stated that this may be contrary to Grange position on animal farming. Accordingly, he recommended we not get involved with this organization at this time. He will get input from Burton Eller.


Dictionary Distribution to DC Schools – In the Fall Potomac Grange will deliver free dictionaries to DC 3rd graders. We soon need a quantity estimate so Joan can order in time for Fall delivery.

Telethon – Saturday, July 9th is the telethon to raise money for the Youth and Junior programs. At our next meeting, we must decide Potomac’s contribution amount.

NAITC Annual Conference – Ag in The Classroom will hold its annual conference in Saratoga, NY June 26 to July1. Joan estimates the cost for her to attend would be $2,255. Alternatives would be to participate via Zoom if available or have a representative from a New York or Maine Grange present our annual award. Joan will investigate these alternatives.


Jessie expressed concern about the lack of participation in our Zoom meetings and feels Grange staff should participate more often.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Weiss, Secretary
Potomac Grange #1