May 2015 Newsletter


Plumsteadville Grange #1738
American Values – Hometown Root
5901 Easton Road, Plumsteadville
Mailing Address:   Box 335, Plumsteadville PA 18949

Plumsteadville Grange Meetings

May 13, 2015 – Plumsteadville Grange

  • Monthly Meeting – 7:30 pm at the Grange Hall
  • Program: Barbara Hoenwarter of The Loom Room –hand weaving demonstration

June 10, 2015 – Plumsteadville Grange

  • Monthly Meeting – 7:30 pm at the Grange Hall
  • Program: Mark Fischer Castle Valley Mill – History of milling in Bucks County

July 8, 2015 – Plumsteadville Grange

  • Monthly Meeting – 7:30 pm at the Grange Hall
  • Program: Mary Ellen Noonan of Bucks County Conservation District – soil-related topic


The 15th Season begins with a presentation by the Bucks County Dairy Royalty and Promotion Team beginning at 9:00 a.m. . Sandra Krone, 2014-15 Bucks County Dairy Princess will make her farewell speech, and members of the team will be recognized for their service. In addition, the 1962 Dairy Princess of England and Wales will share her experience as a Dairy Ambassador “across the pond. Following the presentations, dairy refreshments will be served.

The farm market will continue through October with all our usual vendors, some new additions, and demos, music and special events to be announced.   Follow us on Facebook and visit our website frequently for the latest additions to the market.

New vendors are still welcome – contact Meg Lomax at 215-766-9801 or [email protected]   Also contact Meg if you have an idea for a demo, special event or know of local musicians who would like to perform.


The farm market floor has been raised to the height of the tea room, making it safer to walk on and more accessible.   Additional work is needed to repaint the green doors prior to the market opening day – Any offers of help are appreciated. Please contact Meg Lomax if you have an hour or two to help.


Thank you to all those who helped make this “season” of dinners a big success – Many hands worked to provide pies – always a hit with our guests – and performing tasks from peeling potatoes to the final washing up. These dinners help generate needed revenue to fund our community service projects – thank you to ALL our loyal volunteers.


Jane D. Birk, President, Plumsteadville Grange #1738

Our first community day was a resounding success.   The weather was perfect – so many members of our community came out to participate with a table, demo, donate raffle prizes, and provide general help. Turnout by the public was great, and it was also wonderful to see our farm market vendors emerge after such a hard winter.  Particularly encouraging was the participation of our community’s youth including Bucks Clucks 4-H poultry club, Police & EMS Explorers and Maximum Impact Karate.

Let’s keep the community momentum going.   I asked participants to subscribe to our newsletter and to let us know when they are holding events so that we can cross promote via our newsletters and face book pages.   This month’s issue includes a “Community Events” section which I hope will become a regular feature.

Special thanks to the PA State Grange young couple Jennifer and Robert Beamon (and baby Savannah) for traveling from Lebanon, PA to be with us on this special day.

Many thanks to all who made this a truly community event, and a very special recognition to the chief organizers, Jen & Katie for bringing all of this together.


Susan B. Ward M.D. ‘80
Chair, Board of Trustees and Dr. Joseph Brosnan, President recently announced that Delaware Valley College has been approved for university status! This change went into effect on April 8, 2015 during Founders Day on campus and officially became Delaware Valley University. University status will highlight the options that current and future undergraduate students have in attaining their degree from one of our three schools – Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Life and Physical Sciences, and Business and Humanities. It will also expand our reach to new graduate students through our current offerings, which include six Master’s degree programs and one doctoral program. University status will not change DelVal from a small teaching institution committed to experiential learning; we will remain at our current size at the undergraduate level, while expanding our graduate student presence through the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.


As the summer months begin to approach, be sure to include your three servings of dairy each day. One serving of dairy is equal to eight ounces of milk, 6 ounces of Greek yogurt, 8 ounces of regular yogurt, 0.75 ounces of string cheese, 4 ounces of soft cheese, or 1.5 ounces of hard cheese. Milk is approximately 87.5% water, and it also contains 9 essential nutrients to keep your body healthy. So after your workouts this summer, refuel and rehydrate with milk.

Here is a great recipe to serve at your Memorial Day or graduation parties that may be approaching. You can help your guests to get their three servings of dairy every day by serving this great-tasting milk punch at your parties.

“Cow”-pachino Milk Punch

1 half-gallon chocolate ICE CREAM, softened

1 half-gallon coffee ICE CREAM, softened

½ gallon MILK

2 liter bottle cream soda

In a large punch bowl, mix together chocolate and coffee ICE CREAM. When well mixed, slowly add the MILK, while continuing to mix the ICE CREAM together. Once ICE CREAM and MILK are well mixed, very slowly add the soda. Continue to mix the punch slowly as the soda is being added, as foam will begin to accumulate.

Estimated serving: 50 guests (for a 6 ounce cup)

Primary election day is May 19

The Grange is Non-Partisan but encourages participation in the election process and legislation. Your Vote Counts.


The minutes for the March 2015 meeting of the Plumsteadville Grange as recorded by Karen Moss, secretary, are included in their entirety. Plumsteadville Grange #1738 met on March 11th at 7:30 pm.   Present     Men – 7    Women – 13   , Youth –   Total – 20

OPENING: The Grange opening ceremony was led by President Jane Birk, followed by the roll call of officers and committee members.   Minutes of the previous meeting of February 2014 were mailed/emailed with the monthly newsletter.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Attending were President Jane Birk, Overseer Donald Steeley, Lecturer Katie Graham, Assistant Steward Don Moss, Lady Assistant Darlene Quiring, Chaplain Tony Townsend, Treasurer Jim Lomax, Secretary Karen Moss, Ceres Meg Lomax, Pomona Toni Kellers.

GUESTS:   Helen Whitmore’s next door neighbor, Amy &     Barbara Hoenwarter who will be presenting the May program.

PROGRAM: Rick Dalton, manager of the Delaware Canal State Park spoke on the damage done by the 2004-05 and 06 floods and the on-going repairs to the canal.



Deaf Activities/Fish Fry: Report by Jim Lomax that the first fish fry made a profit of $535. The next will be held on Friday, March 13th.   Cakes, cookies and help will be needed starting at 3pm.

Farm Market: Meg Lomax report that as yet we have no estimates on pouring a new concrete floor in the garage section of the barn (will bring the floor up to level and make the barn handicap accessible).   Don Moss will repair the screen doors to the tea room.


COMMUNICATIONS: We received quilt raffle tickets from State Grange which we are required to sell. They were passed around for purchase.   We received a thank you note from Stacy Bruker for help at the farm show.

TREASURER REPORTS: Jim Lomax reported that for the period from February 1, 2015 through February 28, 2015, we had income of $4,685 and expenses of $5,214. The major item in income was from dinners in the amount of $2,472. Our major expenses for the month came from snowplowing ($720) and accounting charges ($1,849).

OLD BUSINESS:   Jim Lomax spoke about plans for the Grange to participate in the Doylestown Memorial Day Parade on May 26th. He will need to check with the Fire Marshall about the size of the equipment we can pull in the parade and also into getting a banner to go on that equipment.

Katie Graham participated in the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce’s Bucks Locavore event on February 26th where she represented Plumsteadville Grange. This is a networking affair for local business owners but the public was also invited to sample locally grown and produced food.   She participated in the business card exchange (with our new business cards) and made some contacts for possible farm market vendors.

NEW BUSINESS:   Jeni Mogg spoke about the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce and suggested that we might want to consider joining it – non-profit dues are $150 a year.

On April 1st the Food Shed Alliance will hold a workshop at the Grange on Hay Bale Gardening.

Katie Graham, Jeni Mogg and Jane Birk spoke about the planning for the Plumsteadville Grange Community day to be held on Saturday, April 18th.   This is being done in celebration of April as Grange Month.   Four speakers and many area groups and been asked to participate. Suggestions were made for other possible participants.

Jen Mogg reported that she has come into a large amount of fabric. Anyone wishing to share in it should contact her at 215-297-9448.

It was suggested by Don Steeley that the secretary contact State Grange with a list of names of members who are 90 and over so that State Grange can celebrate their birthdays.   (Follow up note: State Grange maintains a list of birthdays which for the most part are incorrect, some members being listed as over 100, others as young as 2 or 3 years of age.   The secretary does not have a complete list so anyone knowing of members 90 years of age or over should contact Jane Birk at 610-657-7668 with the names and date of birth.)

Annette Crooke reported that the Pt. Pleasant Church Dinner will be held on April 25th.

Katie Graham made a motion that we donate $200 to Shamrock Ranch (see last month’s minutes).   It was seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Moss, Secretary.


The minutes for the April 2015 meeting of the Plumsteadville Grange as recorded by Karen Moss, secretary, are included in their entirety. Plumsteadville Grange #1738 met April 8, 2015 at 7:30 pm. Present     Men – 6   Women – 10   , Youth –   Total – 15

OPENING: The Grange opening ceremony was led by President Jane Birk, followed by the roll call of officers and committee members.   Minutes of the previous meeting of March 2015 are included with this month’s newsletter.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Officers present were President Jane Birk, Overseer Donald Steeley, Lecturer Katie Graham, Assistant Steward Don Moss, Lady Assistant Darlene Quiring, Chaplain Tony Townsend, Treasurer Jim Lomax, Secretary Karen Moss, Ceres Meg Lomax, Pomona Toni Kellers, Flora Lynda Kling.

PROGRAM:   The program on the Thousand Canker Disease that is present in Bucks County and will be the demise of all black walnut trees was presented by Kathleen Salisbury of Penn State Extension.   The disease was brought in to the county with a load of lumber delivered to Danboro, PA. There is no cure. Once infected the trees last for about ten years. Contact Penn State Department of Agriculture for further information or if you think your trees are affected.   There is a ban on moving any black walnut out of Bucks County.

PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP:   Denise Mee of Bedminster Township was recruited at the Hay Bale Gardening meeting by Jeni Mogg. Susan Eorio, also of Bedminster joined after washing dishes at the Fish Fry Dinner.


Deaf Activities/Fish Fry: Jim Lomax reported that the three Fish Fry Dinners combined made a profit of $1,542. 

Farm Market: Meg Lomax reported that she has received three bids for putting the cement floor in the barn, all using the same materials and methods but ranging from $5600 to $3880.   She suggested that we take the lowest bid.   The quilting group has a large portion of the money which they will donate toward the cost and she asked that the Grange pick up the rest of it.   Jim Lomax stated that we could hold two more Fish Fries this fall and use those profits to reimburse the treasury. Annette Crooke suggested that we use some of the money given to us by Ray Gross.   A motion was made to go ahead with the project, was seconded and passed.   Meg also reported that we had some new vendors and that this will be the 15th year of the Farm Market.   Sandra Krone has been asked to do a dairy promotion on the first day of the market – May 30th.

Building and Maintenance & Grounds: Don Moss reported that the driveway and parking lot again need stone. He estimated that it will cost $400 for the stone and $100 for the rental of a York rack for spreading the stone. A motion was made and passed to authorize Don Moss to spend that amount and fix the driveway.

Meg Lomax reminded us that the barn clean-up day is this Saturday and will be held even though we also will be preparing for a dinner. She believes she has enough help.

Legislative Report: Don Steeley reminded us to check our state newsletter for details on the June 9th Grange Day at the Capitol.


Ellen Elaine Crooke Scholarship: We have no applicants as yet for this year’s scholarship. Deadline is May 1, 2015. We will have information at the upcoming Community Day.

TREASURER REPORTS:   Jim Lomax reported that for the period March 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015 we had income of $5858 and expenses of $6705. Our biggest expenses this month were for snow plowing ($1,220) and property taxes ($2,063).

OLD BUSINESS:   Report from Katie Graham, Jeni Mogg and Jane Birk: Community Day planning is progressing. There will be demonstrations by area groups every ½ hour. Six to seven farm market vendors will be present and selling.   Publicity has gone into the News Herald and the Intelligencer. Grange volunteers will be needed starting at 8am for set-up and again at 10:30 to work as greeters and servers. Membership applications will be handed out to visitors. Free hot dogs, chips and drinks will be available for those attending. Local business have been contacted and offered space at no charge.

NEW BUSINESS:   A discussion was held as to whether to give the entire proceeds from the Fish Dinners to the Intermediate Unit ($1500) or to limit it to our usual $1,000 and hold the rest in reserve. A motion was made and passed to give them $1,000. Katie Graham has made arrangement for the IU to be the presenter of one of this year’s programs.

This Saturday (April 11th) night we will be serving a roast beef dinner to the Pineville Horse Protection Company. On April 25th we will serve a turkey dinner to the Pt. Pleasant Baptist Church. Annette Crooke will need prep help on the 11th starting at 11am.

Bruce Weikel reminded us that his family will be holding their annual open house on the farm the first Sunday in May from 1-4pm. There will be activities for both children and adults. The farm is number 718 Callowhill Road, between Route 113 and South Perkasie Road..

Meg Lomax ended the meeting with a thank you and appreciation of all the work Katie Graham and Jeni Mogg have put into the planning of the up-coming Community Festival.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Moss, Secretary.

Year of the Pennsylvania Barn

This year has been declared the “Year of the Pennsylvania Barn” by the Legislature in HR189.  If you own a barn, especially an historic one, I hope you will celebrate!

THANK YOU to ALL who participated in making our first Community Day a BIG success –On behalf of everyone at our Grange we wish to acknowledge the following:

Giant –$25 Gift Card for Ice

Plumsteadville Inn – $35 Gift Card for raffle

Reilly Chiropractors – Bag Stuffers

Spatolas – Bag Stuffers

Univest – Bag Stuffers

Bucks Country Gardens – Bag stuffers/coupons

Trader Joes – Bags (200)

Maximum Impact Karate – Demo

Potter Contracting – Company Participant

Shelby Sweet Things- Company Participant

True Value – Door Prize

Circa Classics – Door Prize & Bag Stuffers

P&A Feed – Door prizes

WaWa – Donation of Drinks

Weis – Donation of Drinks

Annie’s Quilting –F arm Market Vendor

M & E Edibles – Farm Market Vendor

Hobble Hill Farm (Alpacas) -Farm Market Vendor

Lester Heacock (Woodworking) – Farm Market Vendor

Macri Sisters Baking – Farm Market Vendor

Mutt Munchies – Farm Market Vendor

Nancy’s Baking  Donuts – Farm Market Vendor

Rising Hill Farm  – Farm Market Vendor & Face Painting

Scott Guiser (Honey) – Farm Market Vendor

Traugers Farm – Farm Market Vendor

Plumstead Historical Society – Community Participant and       donation of Gift basket for raffle

The Larder – donation of Gift basket for raffle

Wehrungs – donation of Gift basket for raffle

Cut To Perfection – donation of Gift basket for raffle        & Bag Stuffers

CRC Industries – donation of Gift Box for raffle

Jeni’s Jems – donation of Gift Box for raffle

Hub Pub – donation of 2  $25 Gift Cards for raffle

Door To Door Organics- donation of Gift Card for raffle          & bag stuffers

Haring Bros – donation of Hot Dogs

A Woman’s Place- Non Profit Community Participant

Almost Home Dog Rescue- Non Profit Community  Participant

Bedminster Land Conservancy- Non Profit Community Participant

Bucks Clucks 4H Poultry    Club – Non Profit Community  Participant

Bucks County Bee Keepers Association Non Profit  Community Participant

Bucks County Dairy Promotion – Non Profit Community Participant

Bucks County Foodshed Alliance- – Non Profit Community Participant

Bucks County SPCA- – Non Profit Community Participant

Danboro 4-H   Non Profit Community Participant

PA Grange Young Couple Jen & Rob Beamon – Special Guests representing PA State Grange

Peace Valley Nature Center – – Non Profit Community  Participant

Master Gardeners from Penn State Extension – Non Profit Community Participant

Plumstead Twp. Police Explorers – – Non Profit Community Participant

Pt Pleasant Plumstead EMS Explorers -Non Profit Community   Participant

Shamrock Reins – Non Profit Community Participant

Tohickon Middle School – Relay for Life Bake Sale -Non Profit  Community Participant

My Place Smoked Meats – Use of Tables/Chairs

Shelly Funeral Home – Use of Parking Lot

Ruth Steeley & Betty Diamond – Staffing Grange Table

Steve Byrne & Kevin Kinney – Grill Masters


May 3 — Bedminster Regional Land Conservancy Road Rally  for more info visit

May 3 –Weikel Farm Open House

Weikel Farm, 718 Callowhill Road, Perkasie, invites you to attend their open house Sunday, May 3, 1-4 pm.   Rain or shine.  Come see farm machinery, and animals including cows, pigs, sheep & chickens.  There will be hayrides, a hay tunnel, sheep shearing demo and other fun farm activities   This is a real working farm, so dress appropriately.

Benefiting A Woman’s Place

May 10 – Mother’s Day 10K

May 21 – Annual Breakfast & Recognition

For details visit  or call 215-343-9241

Send in your activities – we’d love to help promote events in our community.  Feel free to post to our face book page, email [email protected] or call 610-657-7668.

PA State Grange Legislative Issues

Here are some of the legislative items of concern to the Grange – Subscribe to Betsy Huber’s newsletter to keep informed of the latest actions in Harrisburg,

Inheritance Tax

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR1105 to repeal the federal inheritance tax, 240-179.  This is great news for all farmers and small business owners.  The Senate still must consider the measure, but the President has threatened to veto.  Of course I don’t know many people whose estate exceeds the current exclusion of $5.4 million, but it is the principle -we shouldn’t have to pay death taxes on our property that we have already paid taxes on while living.  Please call your U.S. Senators Casey and Toomey and urge them to pass this bill to kill the death tax and preserve family farms and businesses for the next generation. 

Upcoming Event 

At the Farm Show Complex May 12 is the PA Food Defense: Awareness & Prevention Symposium sponsored by the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security, PA Department of Agriculture, and Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences.  State President Beth Downey will be attending.  If you are interested in participating, call Derek Ruhl at PDA 717/783-3577 or Kristin Daniels, Office of Homeland Security 717/346-4461.

Grange Day 2015 – June 9th

Don’t forget to register now for Grange Day.   Grange Day Registration Form


The quilting group has been hard at work and the nextwork of textile art is now ready to raffle. The quilt is on display at the Grange hall. Raffle tickets are now on sale at all Grange functions – $2.00 per ticket, or 3 for $5.00, or contact any Grange member. Proceeds are used to fund Grange Farm Market improvements. Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the summer and the quilt will be raffled off at the close of the market season, the last Saturday in October.


Bucks County 4-H Teen Council has been collecting new/used shoes for two years. The shoes are sent around the world to those in need, Teen Council receives $.50 a pound for the shoes they collect (funds are used for leadership opportunities and community service in Bucks County) and Teen Council has saved the Bucks County landfills from being filled with over 2,000 pounds of shoes that would take hundreds of years to breakdown in a landfill.

A collection box has been placed in the Grange Hall. The shoes must be wearable or still have wear value, no holes, rips or tears. Both shoes must be present and NO slippers, NO flip flops and NO heavy work boots. The shoes are shipped around the world to those in need.


If you have photos of the Community Day, Christmas party or any Grange related event, please send copies to Jane Birk at [email protected] for inclusion in our community service book to be submitted to State Grange.


If you know of a group needing a meeting place, or to inquire about hall rental for an event, contact Meg Lomax at 215-766-9801 or [email protected]


As always, if you have something to share or want to get the newsletter via email contact Jane Birk at 610-657- 7668 or [email protected].


A Grange meeting without refreshments is just a meeting – the informal time after a meeting is often the most fertile ground for discussion of ideas and forging new friendships. A sign-up sheet has been posted in the Grange Hall – please indicate which month you would like to provide refreshments.

Plumsteadville Grange Farm Market

Grand Opening for the Season

May 30. 2015

9:00 am – 12:30 pm


Presentation from Bucks County Dairy Princess & Promotion Team


Follow us on Face Book for the latest events.



Everything Locally Sourced, Grown or  Produced

Fruits & Vegetables in Season

Baked goods of all kinds

Cheese from Ely Farms

Real Local Honey

Pottery  & Quilting

Woodworking  & Artisans

Free Coffee – Tea Room

Entertainment by Local Musicians