In early 2017, 4 members of Gardner Grange came up with the idea of sponsoring a Gardner Farmer’s Market. Other members got on board and came up with a great plan. Ideas were gathered, vendors & other sponsors obtained, and the market started up in May of 2017 every Thursday night (except during the fair) on the road right outside the Grange hall on the Johnson County Fairgrounds. It was a huge success!!
The Gardner Farmer’s Market will start up again in late May, 2023, Thursdays 4 – 7 p.m. Other sponsors include City of Gardner, Gardner Chamber of Commerce, Gardner Parks and Recreation. It is now held in Cornerstone Park, next to the Grange Hall.
Gardner Grange received first place in the Kansas State Grange Community Service Contest in 2022 for the efforts in starting the Farmer’s Market!
Gardner Grange received Fourth place in the National Grange Community Service Contest in 2022!!