For Kansas State Grange information, see their website:
About the Grange
For those who are not familiar with our organization. . .
You can easily become a Part of America’s Foremost Volunteer & Grassroots Organization. The Grange is comprised of families and individuals who share a common interest in community involvement, agricultural and rural issues. They all work together in a family environment. Programs, projects and activities offered in every local Grange reflect the interests and talents of its member with special focus on family activities.
The heart and soul of every local Grange is Community Service. Through strong local leadership and innovation, the Grange contributes to a stronger and better way of life for all Americans. The Grange provides programming to assist in the leadership development of youth, young couples, and young adults. The Grange Youth program focuses on accomplishments in helping reach goals rather than personal recognition. The Grange recognizes that one of the greatest needs of young families today is a place the family can go together – where children are welcome. That place is the Grange. Junior Grange programs are designed to provide a basis for training young members to take leadership roles as they learn about parliamentary procedure and public speaking. They learn to serve where there is a need and have fun at the same time.
The Grange is also a genuine grassroots, bipartisan, political advocacy organization. Through its unique resolution system, the Grange reflects the needs and desires of rural communities across the country. Granges participate in the political process at the local, state, and federal level, with direction emanating from the local level. The goal of Grange advocacy is the well being and prosperity of rural America.
Nancy Ebbs, Connecticut State Grange Membership Director and 50 year Grange member, contributed the content of this page.