Grange Meetings: January

Harmony #12: January 17th, 7:00pm @ Harmony Grange Hall

  • 3205 Limestone Rd. Wilmington, DE 19808 

Capitol #18: January 18th, 6:30pm @ Capital Grange Hall

  • 911 S. Governors Ave. Dover, DE 19904

Smyrna #21: January 14th, 7:00pm @ Correll Farm

  • 983 Clayton Delaney Rd. Clayton, DE 19938

Reliance #58: Too be determined, check back soon!

Pencader #60: January 11th, 6:30pm @ Harmony Grange Hall 

  • 3205 Limestone Rd. Wilmington, DE 19808

Central #61: January 12th, 6:30pm @ Smyrna Diner

  • 99 Cory Ln. Smyrna, DE 19977

Any questions or concerns? Please contact the Delaware State Grange office and we can get you going in the right direction ASAP!

Grange Meetings: December

New Castle County Pomona – December 9th 6:30pm @ Harmony Grange Hall

  • 3205 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808

Delaware State Grange Meeting – December 3rd 9:00am @ Capitol Grange Hall

  • 911 S. Governors Ave, Dover, DE 19904

Pencader #60: No meeting – any pertinent business will be handled at New Castle County Pomona Meeting on November 9th. 

Central #61: December 8th 6:30pm Smyrna Diner

  • 99 Cory Ln, Smyrna, DE 19977

Smyrna #21: December 10th 7:00pm Correll Farm

  • 983 Clayton Delaney Rd, Clayton, DE 19938 

Harmony #12: December 20th 6:30pm Harmony Grange Hall

  • 3205 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808

If you have any questions on locales and times, adding your grange to this list, or joining the Grange in general, please contact Andrew Adams on his cell 302-464-9045 or email at [email protected]

Delaware at the National Grange

Congratulations go out to Chip Narvel for being re-elected as National Steward and to Andrew Adams for winning the first ever Cultivator award! You can see the video of Chip being re-elected on our facebook page here:

A thank you also goes out to Jimmy Correll and Donna Jean Kiessling for serving as delegates for the state of Delaware at the 155th National Grange!

Community Grange Meetings: November

Pencader #60: Tuesday November 2nd @ 6:30pm at the Harmony Grange Hall

  • 3205 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808
  • Refreshments will be served after the meeting

Smyrna #21: November meeting cancelled – president is headed to National Grange in Wichita.

Central #61: Wednesday November 10th @6:30pm at the Smyrna Diner

  • 99 Cory Ln, Smyrna, DE 19977


If you are any fellow Grangers are holding a community meeting or know of a Grange holding a meeting, please reach out so we can get it posted to our Website and our Facebook page! Please contact Andrew Adams via phone or text @ 302 – 464 – 9045 or email at [email protected]. Or reach out on our Facebook page.



Worship Together Service: St. Peter’s Church Smyrna, DE

On October 3rd 2021, Grangers are invited to attend St. Peter’s Worship Together Service at 2:30pm. The address for the church is 22 N. Union St. Smyrna, DE 19977. For those who wish to attend but can not do so in person, the service will be streamed on Facebook as well. All you will have to do is click on this link at 2:30pm!:

Here is a document showing the bulletin and the hymns for the event as well:

2021 DE State Grange Service fullpage

Upcoming Meetings Across the State

A few grange’s are back to holding meeting’s after the summer season, we hope to see you all there!

Central Grange #61: Wednesday September 8th 7:00pm at the Smyrna Diner

Pencader Grange #60: Tuesday September 14th at the Harmony Grange Hall Time: 6:30pm. Harmony Grange Hall’s address is 3205 Limestone Rd. Wilmington DE 19808.




This post will be updated as any new information becomes available!


Smyrna Grange Picnic: Correll’s Farm & Charity Auction

Smyrna Grange’s Annual Picnic will be held this year at the Correll’s Farm on Sunday August 22nd at 2:00pm. The farm’s address is 983 Clayton Delaney Rd, Clayton, DE 19938

If you plan on attending, please bring a covered dish (Smyrna Grange will be providing the meats and drinks), and enjoy yourselves an afternoon of good times and good friends, hope to see everyone there! If you wish to, please bring an Item(s) that can be Auctioned off as well, all proceeds will go to the Community Service Project!

We hope to see you there!