About Us

We are the Troy Grove Grange. The Grange is a non-partisan grass-roots organization. Troy Grove is a tiny town near Mendota, IL. Although small, we have made a difference in the surrounding communities. One example is our annual dictionary give-away. Every year we go to the local schools and give away dictionaries to third-grade students. These dictionaries have words, elements, measurements, math, Declaration of Independence and Constitution, important people, states, countries and more. For Memorial Day, we put markers on veterans’ graves symbolizing their service. We also donate to the local food pantry during November every year. Each year we honor a local citizen for their local community service. Nearly each month we have a meeting talking about the local and national happenings. We also discuss agricultural life and its impacts to the community and world. The meetings are open to the public and new guests/members are welcome (and we have snacks afterwards; you have to come just for them!). If you would like to know when the next meeting is, please call and/or leave a message at 815-246-7242. If you would like to know more about the Grange, click here.