Greetings and Welcome!


The Rhode Island State Grange welcomes you and invites you to learn more about us.  The Grange, whose roots start in agriculture, works throughout Rhode Island, supporting farmers, collaborating with Agriculture and Conservations groups, promoting community activities, volunteering with animal shelters and food pantries, raising funds for scholarships and helping veterans and the hearing impaired.  Chances are you know a granger in your community and do not even realize it.  Check out our Facebook page and learn more about us.

One thought on “Greetings and Welcome!

  1. My name is Rachel Sunderland and I am a senior at Chariho High School. I recently joined the Ashaway Grange. My focus of studies at Chariho and for college will be in the medical and health field. It has been my passion for most of my school years. I currently work part time at the Westerly Nursing Home while continuing with my school obligations and will be graduating in June.

    I am applying for college scholarships because of my family financial status and hope that I can be considered for one by the Grange organization.

    Please let me know the requirements and how I can apply.

    Thank you.

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