Quarterly Membership Reports

With the 4th quarter of the year over, it is time again to prepare your quarterly membership report and per capita payment. The reporting instructions and forms can be found on the ‘Resources’ page.

The reports should be read by the Secretary and approved at your regular monthly Grange meeting. 4th quarter reports and per capita payments are due to the National Grange office no later than the end of February.

Contact National Grange Membership Director Joe Stefenoni for any assistance ([email protected]).

Welcome to the Grange

Thank you for visiting the Nevada Grange website. This website will serve as a source of information as the State Grange of Nevada is organized. For general information about the Grange, visit the FAQ page.

For information about each of the Subordinate/Community Granges in Nevada, visit the Community Granges page

For inquiries or general question, please contact National Grange Membership Director Joe Stefenoni by email ([email protected]) or by phone at 707-328-0631.