Grange 664 History

Welcome to the Eagle Point Grange Hall #664.


The Eagle Point Grange #664 was organized March 26, 1925 by Deputy Blackwell and Harry Ward as acting Master, along with 18 charter members. The Grange sponsored a 5 year road building program carrying with it a special levy of five mills. each year construct thirty miles of new road, making accessible farm land and homes that were isolated during the winter months. Mail routes were established along these roads for the first time. The Grange sought and secured night and day service on all telephone lines coming into the Eagle Point office. · In 1927 the Grange constructed the first hall, the most spacious and well designed hall in the State of Oregon, at the cost of $7,000.00. Ross Kline was Eagle Point Grange’s first elected Master, in fact, he was Master for several years at different times. Gertrude Haak was lecturer and County Deputy Master, therefore, the Eagle Point-Grange assisted in the organization of four new Granges in Jackson County: Talent, Jacksonville, Central Point, and Lake Creek. Three o’clock in the morning, of February 17, 1929, the Grange which was built in 1927 was burned to the ground. It was located where the church annex now stands. They built the next hall where the present oiie is now located, at the cost of $8,000.00. It too burnt to the ground on March 15, 1930, at five o’clock in the morning. It was determined the fire was caused by a cigarette being thrown into a wood box from the dance the night before. By this time the Grange was getting desperate and out of funds, but the Grange members went to work. They put on fund raising functions of all sorts.. The drop-curtain, they still have, with all the old ads, was paid for by dances held at the Oasis dance hall. They were holding their meetings in the Daley Hall when the third and present Hall was completed, for $4,000.00 and lots of volunteer labor and materials. It was dedicated on November 2, 1938 and March 25, 1950. 

Virginia Kula, Master