About the Grange

Deer Lagoon Grange Hall

Location: 5142 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington
Mail: P.O. Box 386 Freeland Washington 98249
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DeerLagoonGrange/

This Grange’s objectives are threefold:

1. Provide for family activity and fun through Grange events and fellowship.
2. Participate in the community and serve community needs by supporting youth, providing education, and providing a premium place for community activities.
3. Promote grass-roots, non-partisan legislative needs of the membership by authoring resolutions for action at the annual Washington State Grange Convention.

Annual Projects

The Food Series / Cooperative Buying: We offer cooking classes and seminars on food related topics to benefit the community. Cooperative buying trips include fruits, vegetables, and fish.

Educational Services:  The Grange is offering free English Second Language (ESL) / General Education Degree (GED) in a cooperative effort with South Whidbey Literacy.

Words for Thirds:  We participate in a national program to donate dictionaries to third grade students.  A complete history of this project is at www.dictionaryproject.org 

Whidbey Island Fair:  The Grange has been active in the Whidbey Island Fair for most of the Fair’s history. Currently Deer Lagoon Grange provides a Superintendent for the Agriculture Building. Part of the responsibility of the Superintendent is to provide Stewards during the operation of the Fair, to judge entries, award ribbons, and display entries.  The Grange also creates its Grange display, a longstanding tradition. Our members served a major role in getting the Fair going again in 1946 after a five year hiatus due to World War Two.

Kids Critter Workshop:  The Sunday prior to the start of the Fair, at the Fairgrounds Fiddle Faddle Barn, the Grange gives “Grange Bucs” to children to purchase produce to create Critters (animal or people like creations made from combinations of vegetables). Grange members will help them create Critters which may be entered into the Fair the following week.

Publications:  Deer Lagoon Newsletter (monthly)
