
 Basket Raffle                                                                               Sat. April 13th, 2024     noon till 2 PM  

Also, Raffle off: ???

Hot dogs and beverage will be available for a donation!

Annual Chicken Bar-B-Cue –  Sunday of May 26th, 2024

Senior Citizen Card Party & Basket Raffle, Wed June 5th, 2023  Noon,

Civil War Re-enactment   Breakfast in question for 2023.

                                                                                                   Roast Pork Dinner – last Sunday of Oct, 29th  in  ?
              Will take donations of Electronic Equipment to recycle, such as:     Computers,  keyboards, mice, cables,   laptops.                                                                                         We Collect clothes for St Pauly’s Mission year round
(collected 620,854 lbs.since June of 2003)                                           St. Pauly Textile Phone (Toll Free): 585-292-0460  Email the founder!,                       Joe DeGeorge:     [email protected]   

We also Collect:                                                                                                              postage stamps
– tops from aluminum pop cans
– Betty Crocker Box Tops, printer cartridges

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