For over 150 years, the Grange has been a part of our national landscape, serving the needs of communities across the country and giving a voice to rural America.
The Cibolo Grange #1541 is a non-profit organization sustained through the financial support of members and friends. Our members have stated that the lasting friendships, family environment, opportunities for community involvement, continuing personal growth and leadership development, as well as the ability to make a difference are all reasons they and many of their family members, have joined the Grange.
Our grange always includes a social aspect that has fellowship as a cornerstone during our meetings and social events. We provide our members the opportunity make friends in their community, their state and across the nation that last a lifetime.
To learn more about the Grange and benefits to becoming a member, please read our National Declaration of Purposes and download a Membership Brochure. We welcome the community to attend our monthly gatherings that are on the first Sunday of each month at 3 PM.
Don’t forget to check our local Cibolo Grange calendar for upcoming events including Our Farmers and Artisans Market is every Thursday from 3 pm to 7 pm!