Inspired and Being Inspiring

As we continue on our journey through the land of Quarantine and Shelter In Place, there comes a time when we may feel we must break our bonds. It may come as a niggling feeling of unease, perhaps the need to laugh so that we don’t cry, or the realization that while we may be in the same boat, it doesn’t mean we are experiencing everything in the same way. Anger, appreciation, anxiety, and apprehension may all begin with the same letter, however that does not indicate they have the same meanings.

Sojourns through social media can inspire us.  We can see what others are doing to lend a hand in their community; help provide for the welfare of others; feed the needs (physical and emotional) of like minded people; and emulate those who are striving to do good works. Take the inspiration as you find it and act upon it in your life.

Through our own posts, we too can be inspiring. We may not know whom we touch, but our words and images may be just the balm that was needed to soothe deep wounds, bring a smile, rekindle a memory, or bring forth an opportunity for unification or growth. We can provide information, clarification, and support while being fair and honest. Yes, silly games, pictures of flowers, recipes, and messages of faith all have their place on this continuing passage from what was to what will be.  

One thing about social media, it allows for everyone to step onto their own private soapbox and express their point of view.  You, as the viewer, can either examine the viewpoint, add additional comments in support, step into the debate, or move on without comment. As Grange members, I will hope you keep faith, hope, charity, and fidelity in your heart as you respond and most of all remember to be kind.

Grange in the Time of Quarantine

For Central Union Grange our March meeting was scheduled for Monday March 16th, however on March 16th those over age 60 were told to stay home. Then group gatherings  of more than 10 people were curtailed, so after consultation with some of our membership we cancelled that meeting.

On Monday April 20th we will be holding a Zoom meeting for the first time. So we are making every effort to continue to grow our Grange. Just last weekend the California State Grange held their meeting via GoToMeeting. Last week the National Grange started offering online discussions and meetings using Facebook in combination with Zoom or YouTube. It is happening across the country.

Grange members have been firing up their sewing machines and make face masks for hospitals, healthcare workers, and first responders. We are checking on each other to make sure our seniors, families, and singles are doing well. 

Perhaps the most important message is to remember our principles of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Fidelity.  Make sure you are following the social distancing guidelines in your community which may include STAY HOME, take time for yourself, and wash your hands.  May you be safe and well. Until we meet again.