Feb 15, 2025

 Next get-together, Feb 15th, 2025, Curriers Grange Hall,

May 25th Chicken Bar-b-cue, June 4th Strykersville Senior Card Party, June 21st, meeting, July 19th, meeting, Aug 9-18th Wyoming Co Fair, Sept 20th, meeting, Oct 18th, meeting, Oct 17-21st, State Grange, Nov 15th, Thanksgiving, Dec 20th, Christmas. Calendar for the year!

We have a start for this year’s April 12th, 2025 , Basket Raffle, and like to Thank all those supporters, donations as well as participation.  Ortel Supply, Ward & Kutzuba PPLC, Crimment & Semlitsch, Bryncliff, Batavia Muck Dog’s, Holiday Valley, Arcade Attica RailRoad, Bark Box, members, friends, and many more.. Big Thank You goes out to everyone that is supporting donations and participation to make this a huge success!

May 25th, noon till 4 pm, Chicken Bar-b-cue, Chicken, scalloped potatoes, beans, roll.

June 4th, hosting Card Party, and Basket Raffle, for Strykersville Senior Citizens. noon till 3.

Please keep supporting  the St. Pauly’s Shed with used clothing for this is one of our incomes at this time with the pandemic to help keep  up the maintenance and utilities..This year we collected 18,130 lbs. of clothes, enough to clothe 3,338 people all over the world.

The DeNise Scholarship Fund, applicants must be agriculturally oriented.  Susan W. Freestone Education Award,  $1,000 grant                  The New York State Grange Cornell Fund,  farm-reared students               The New York State Grange Student Loan, Grange members                    June Gill Nursing Scholarship, Grange members to enter the nursing profession  Caroline Kark Award, career working with the deaf                     Application deadline is April 15.                       http://nysgrange.org/education-opportunities/

Also, check out our facebook page, Curriers Grange…..

Wyoming County Pomona Grange Meeting


  • Every Month is Grange Month!
  • Warsaw Grange, 177 S. Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569  will have a number of events for the summer and Bi-Centennial Singers also, planned Fund Raisers!
  • Warsaw Grange, Roast Beef on Kimweck, 3rd Wed of the month,May thru Oct., 4-7 PM., May  , June  , July  , September  , October  .
  • Wyoming Co Fair  2023:  Aug 13th-20th., “Blue Jeans and Country Dreams”

Hello world!

We’re your neighbors

The Grange is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in more than 2,100 hometowns across America. We have nearly 150 years of history, a spirit of grassroots advocacy, and a fraternal spirit that we’re happy to share with you.

To learn more about the Grange, read our Declaration of Purposes or download a membership brochure . You can also learn more about Grange Youth for those 14 to 30 years of age and Junior Grange for children 5 to 14 . Grange members enjoy many benefits, including discounts on energy, vacations and medical services. To learn more, read our member benefits brochure .

We’d love to tell you about the exciting opportunities the Grange offers. Stop by a meeting anytime. They’re always open to the public. If you’d prefer to support rural America and agriculture on your own time, you can look into E-Membership. E-Members enjoy the same benefits as community Grange members and have all materials delivered to their inbox. American Values. Hometown Roots.