
The Green Bluff Grange is described as “an agricultural fraternity and its purpose is to build a program of fellowship, service and member activities.”

Green Bluff Grange #300 was first organized in 1909, and meetings were held twice a month, on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. In March 1909, the idea of building a Community Hall was proposed, and the Hall was soon built by many local people who purchased shares. Meetings were held in the Hall except when the $5 a month rent could not be paid. On those months, meetings were held in the schoolhouse. Then in 1916 the Hall burned down. There were long periods of inactivity at this point, until 1929 when the idea of building a new Grange Hall was proposed. It wasn’t until 1934 that an old boarding house in Elk, Washington was torn down and the wood was used to build the new Grange Hall. It was completed in May 1935, and still stands to this day, serving the community every month. Thanks to our community, BECU, KXLY Extreme Team, and numerous other supporters the Grange was renovated in September 2018!